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Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Here's Your Chance


  1. My bet is that non of you cowards will show up.

  2. I believe the portable complex now on Adventist Drive is to be moved to East Salisbury. Then the whole of East Salisbury plus the portable complex is to become the central office for the board of ed. Since they said they are working with a skeleton crew, I'm not sure this rumor is accurate. I'm not sure there's just a skeleton crew either.

  3. 9:42 Pot: You're black, Kettle: You're black.

    *none* easy to miss a letter with your cheetos soaked fat fingers.

  4. This will be a disaster! My son went to Pittsville and is now in 10th grade at Parkside, the teachers at Parkside can NOT believe how far behind the students that came from Pittsville are! It is a proven fact! Willards is a great school which provides a great foundation, then the kids go to Pittsville and it is straight down hill! The teachers at pittsville suck and dont care - therefore our kids pay the price!

  5. My three sons attended Willards and Pittsville Schools and have done exceptional at Parkside. It is not entirely the school system's responsibility to educate our students. Parents need to take a more active role. Just saying...

  6. Better print this in Spanish too...just sayin'

  7. @11:57 My son is a Honor student there, and I have heard from every teacher he has had that the students that come from Pittsville are behind!!!!!!!!!! I have a VERY active role in my child's life - home and school! I saw with my own eyes how much the teachers at Pittsville cared!

  8. Don't worry Pittsville teachers. I'm sure MSEA will be around to defend you honor.

  9. WCBOE under the leadership of Dr. Fredericksen does what they want no matter what the public says. Look at the new Bennett middle. That school was built on land so low it should be marsh land. Nothing could have been built on it. Tractors always got stuck in that field when a Farmer tried to plant crops there.
    This individual with the help of Rick Pollitt to waste Tax dollars for their political interest and the "GOOD OLE" Boys.

  10. Close WI Middle? Where exactly do they place the 600-700 kids from there? We're overcrowded as it is in the other middle schools and the new Bennett was only built to house an additional 50 or so students as per the state guidelines. This is madness!

    1. They are doing this because with middle and east are hopeless for passing any state tests. They are hoping that the other schools will avg out the poor students.

  11. First off, like many schools Pittsville has exceptional students but at the same time they do have lazy students that don't want to do anything. Part of that problem stems from our own Board of Education as well as the state board being too lenient on poorly behaved kids. Second of all we should not be closing schools, simply because we have major overcrowding enough as it is and the bigger the school the more trouble you will find in the schools. Small schools are simply in the best interest of everyone involved. Dr. Fredrickson is nothing more than the biggest joke in our school system and he should never have been hired, which by the way you can thank the crazy liberals in this town for that.

  12. My son is a freshman at Parkside, in all honors class, and has all a's and b's. He came from Pittsville Honor classes. He is NOT behind in his classes.

    Sure send the problem city kids to Pittsville, and see what happens to that school.

  13. Is WCPS participating in Race to the Top? If so, closing WiMiddle was probably due to too many years of non-improvement. Laurel had the same thing happen to them at Laurel Middle School. Going from memory here - but I believe Race to the Top gave them three chooses - remove the principal, completely restructure the school, or close it. Might have been two - remove the principal AND completely restructure the school OR close it.

    Either way, at that time, they chose to remove the principal. She was promoted to their district office.


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