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Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Here's What's Scary About the Second U.S. Ebola Infection

A health care worker who provided care for the Ebola patient who died last week has now tested positive for the deadly virus. And the scary part about it is that she wore full protective gear.

Health care officials are now scrambling today to find any sign of a "breach in protocol" that could have resulted in her infection.

The newly infected woman was among several caregivers for Thomas Eric Duncan. Duncan died of the Ebola infection last Wednesday at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital.

The CDC has officially confirmed the caregiver has Ebola, which makes it the first known Ebola case transmitted in the U.S.

Thomas Frieden, the CDC chief, said they are investigating how a worker in full protective gear could have contracted the virus.

"At some point there was a breach in protocol," Frieden said. "That breach in protocol resulted in this infection."



  1. The easiest way to bring down this country even further , is an epidemic such as we see.
    No cure , no border control , no air flight control ,and not a shot fired . America is asleep at the wheel .
    The people at Ferguson may get their wish .

  2. Thomas Frieden was wacko Mayor Bloomberg's heath guy...yep..the one behind the trans fat ban, and the infamous "ban the soda" campaign. Another political correctness appointee. God help us all!

  3. The technique must NEVER be broken. Ever.

  4. Mr. Frieden the "breach in protocol" did not occur in that Dallas hospital. The breach is a lot higher in your system then that, sir.

  5. Just so much BS. WHAT was the "breach"??


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