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Friday, October 17, 2014

Here's What I Want You To Picture In Your Mind

Laura Mitchell, Josh Hastings, Jim Ireton, Rick Pollitt, Wayne Strausburg, Gary Mackes and staff regularly sitting at a Downtown bar using taxpayer gift cards to pay for their drinks. Some drinks for certain individuals allegedly don't even get charged because certain people brought a limo service from the college to downtown at taxpayers expense and because of that, some people may not have to pay for drinks. 

So when you go to the polls, THINK about who you want representing you any more. Now hold up your glass and give them a toast, here's to knowin ya and don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.


  1. never see them at the new Greene Turtle where everyone pays dearly for their beverage

  2. Polls is the appropriate name.

  3. Laura Mitchell and Josh Hastings with be devastating if they are elected to the County Council. You people will be fools to vote for them.

  4. 8:58 Do you have a job? If yes, then you're working while they're playing.

  5. Josh Hastings was Laura Mitchells campaign manager/treasurer for City Council and he is running for the County Council. Look at this scenario that could possibly happen. Ernie Davis has already won. Laura and Josh could win and that will give you 3 liberal Democrats on the Council. John Hall is married to a Democrat and he is a Known RINO. That's the majority and now you have a Democrat controlled Couny Council. Wicomico County is DOOMED!


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