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Thursday, October 16, 2014

Headline News cancels Jane Velez-Mitchell's prime time show amid massive CNN cuts

Headline News has canceled Jane Velez-Mitchell's show and laid off her staff in the midst of an eight per cent staff cut across CNN.

Velez-Mitchell's program had been on for six years on HLN, a sister network to CNN, before ending Monday.

She was told of the termination on Tuesday, according to a CNN executive, who said that the cut will affect her and 11 other staff members.



  1. Personally I like Jane's show better than Nancy Grace.

  2. Lol, tick tock, CNN.

  3. If CNN has any sense they would have cancelled N. Grace.
    She's a very sick disturbed person. She's tells 1/2 truths and tells out and out lies. If a guest tries to tell the truth and she doesn't like it she cuts them off. The worst part about her is that such a dishonest putrid person is raising children. She is the absolutely worst kind of parent a child could ever have-one who doesn't make honesty a priority and hold it's value dear.

  4. Now she will probably start drinking again.

  5. she was loud and boring along with nancy grace. Thank you, CNN.

  6. She was on TV earlier today discussing other job offers and options.Nothing concrete yet.

  7. She looks cute in that picture.


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