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Tuesday, October 14, 2014

‘Global warming scare’ declared ‘over’

'Past time to stop the madness of wasting great sums of money on EPA's imaginary threat'

Scientists and others on a team assembled by the Chicago-based Heartland Institute, which focuses on free-market solutions to today’s problems, say the “scare” of global warming from the use of carbon fuels and other human activities “is over.”

It’s “past time” for the world to realize that and “stop the madness of wasting great sums of money on EPA’s imaginary threat,” contends Kenneth Haapala, the executive vice president of the Science and Environmental Policy Project at the Heartland Institute.

Institute experts said Thursday the Remote Sensing Systems, which provide data to NASA, NOAA and the National Science Foundation, have confirmed “the global mean surface temperature has not risen for 18 consecutive years.”

“This extends the so-called ‘pause’ in global warming to a new record, one not predicted by the climate models of the United Nations’ International Panel on Climate Change,” the organization said.



  1. The EPA will never let go. It's all about Govt control and "keep my job"...

  2. Sometimes in life things become outdated, lose their effectiveness, or are just no longer needed. Some organizations that were once useful or actually provided a service can no longer help. The EPA is one of those companies. And I say company because that's what it has become as opposed to being a public service.

  3. Environmentalists would have been much more believable if they practiced what they preached.

  4. 11:02AM
    Very well said!
    I, too, support the idea that the EPA no longer provides a useful service.

  5. EPA & "environmental non-profits" perpetuate an extremely lucrative fraud on the American taxpayers - what are the chances of stopping them?

  6. Want to trim the fat......get rid of the dept of energy. what have they accomplished?


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