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Monday, October 20, 2014

Frank Luntz On CBS: 'Collapse In Confidence' Of Government, Media


  1. They just don't get it!!!

  2. This president may be trying to "preach trust" as the commentator says, but his actions sure belie the trust he is preaching. At this point in time I don't believe anything about the man, from where he came from, to where he intends to go when his second term ends. He and his government cronies with their "do as I say, and I'll keep doing any damn way I want" behavior has brought this government distrust upon themselves.

    I can only speak for myself but I am sick of the lies, the cheating, the stealing, the hiding of funds, the misuse of funds, the disappearance of e-mails, the government spying on every breath that everyone takes. I am sick of all of it.

    The same thing applies to the media. They don't tell us the truth. They tell us what THEY want us to believe. Well, I am not buying anymore so you can quit selling. I believe the media just about as much as I believe him. NONE!!!!

    I believe in GOD by faith. The rest I will believe when I see it with my own two blue eyes. If I didn't see it, I'm not believing it.


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