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Sunday, October 12, 2014

FOP Calls Out County Executive Rick Pollitt As Dishonorable



The Wicomico County Fraternal Order of Police has filed for arbitration against County Executive Richard Pollitt’s decision not to honor the current contract between the Deputy Sheriffs and the County. “Clearly the County Executive does not believe in the rule of law and in honoring his word”, stated FOP President Sgt. Martin Fisher.

After agreeing to pay increases and a new disability pension program for deputies seriously injured in the line of duty, the County Executive proudly touted the successful negotiation and publicly stated his support for the deputy’s new agreement. Now the County Executive is ignoring the law that he and the County Council signed on June 13, 2014.

Sheriff Mike Lewis agreed with the FOP’s position in a grievance filed after Pollitt’s decision not to honor the signed contract. In a written response to the FOP’s grievance, the Sheriff ruled in favor of the FOP, stating in part,” I find the FOP’s position is supported and factually accurate” The County Executive is even ignoring the written decision of Sheriff Lewis.

According to President Fisher, “the evidence is clear and available for anyone to see. We will do whatever we have to, in order to enforce our agreement”. It is unfortunate Mr. Pollitt has chosen to waste taxpayers’ money and destroy morale in the Sheriff’s Office.”

Martin A. Fisher
President F.O.P. Lodge 111


  1. does the FOP endorse mathias and conway?

  2. Whoo Hoo! That's telling him! Alright, go for it! It's about time somebody grew some balls!

  3. We, the citizens, need to FIRE Pollitt. If you can't trust a man's word, there is nothing left.


  5. Do we have to wait until November to get rid of Pollitt? My guess is Strasburg is behind this. Pollitt is WEAK. We need a man who has a backbone in the office.

  6. Ricky, what in the heck is happening to your administration?

  7. Go get him! That administration has been pulling this stuff since
    red-faced Wayne arrived. If you can't baffle them with BS, then bully your way through or get the legal eagle to write it the way you want and not what you promised. So glad they, Pollitt, Strasburg, Prettyman, are exposed for just what they are. Good bye and good riddance.

  8. I am not familiar with this but I heard there were supporters of Culver from the sheriff's office.

  9. There was suppose to be term limits put on the executive but the Dems said term limits would happen at the polls. Well, guys now is your time. Rickys's two terms are up. Vote Nov 4th for Bob Culver.

  10. Not Good. With election just around the corner and people supporting the county LEO this could really impact the results.

  11. No wonder Rick isn't running a campaign or receiving any funds. Who wants to be associated with that loser. Wayne, Stevie and Hall need to crawl out of their (drink of choice) glasses and realize the people are fed up with their antics too. Congratulations, you all have destroyed any respect left for the Executive office. Or was that your plan all along?

  12. How disappointing! What happened to "Building Bridges"?

  13. Pollitt and his "administration" have gotten really good at pissing people off. Either Rick isn't such a nice guy after all or he is letting Strausburg run the show. Either way, the County needs a change.

  14. 5:34 - more like blowing up bridges. ROFLMAO

  15. I remember the days when Strausburg said Rick wasn't an executive, which I believe is a true statement. Rick is just a government grunt. What is interesting though is Rick's reputation has deteriorated since he hired Wayne. Not sure what that all means, but it means something.

  16. There is no HONOR in politics.

  17. How stupid do you have to be to not be truthful to law enforcement?

  18. Anonymous said...
    I remember the days when Strausburg said Rick wasn't an executive, which I believe is a true statement. Rick is just a government grunt. What is interesting though is Rick's reputation has deteriorated since he hired Wayne. Not sure what that all means, but it means something.

    October 9, 2014 at 5:44 PM

    Trust me! The Republicans don't claim that RINO. He has been a RINO ever since him and Gary Mackes were bunkies.

  19. This needs to be brought up at every DEBATE between culver and pollitt.

  20. Remember one thing folks - the FOP were not necessarily above board in their petition drive for collective bargaining. I remember vividly the ads they placed in The Daily Times soliciting college kids to hire - and they sat out in front of Wal-mart collecting signatures for collective bargaining.

    Why weren't the officers out collecting these signatures? I have a problem with them paying these kids $10/hour and having them do their dirty work. At the same time - guess what Montgomery County was doing - they were doing an on-line petition drive to repeal their County's Sheriff collective bargaining agreement.

  21. Hey Marty why don't you give the whole story and tell what you were offered maybe then we will know the truth. Sure Pollitt is dishonorable we all know that however until we see what has been put on the table we can not decide who is at fault.

    1. Becareful. Marty may have taken the offer and then renigged. Marty is a slick dude.

  22. 6:23 but the fact it is law in Wicomico at this point and the executive should uphold the agreement. If there is a need to change then a campaign could be mounted. BUT, IT IS MY UNDERSTANDING EXECUTIVE Pollitt didn't attend but 1 of the meetings between the FOP and the county. He failed us.

  23. Mr. Pollitt thinks his job is to cut ribbons and smile for the camera. Sorry Ricky, it's much more. You are suppose to run the county and not just be a face.

  24. What happen to government employees making too much and we need to cut back. Your average deputy makes in excess of $60,000 or more depending upon overtime. You all complained about them having take home cars and driving personal errands on our dime, to much contradict which proves you all just like to bitch about anything and stand for nothing. You all just like to stir crap up!

  25. 6:23 - Trying to compare the Montgomery County Sheriff to the Wicomico County Sheriff is absurd. Montgomery has a very large county police force that is in charge of the county - not the Sheriff. Our Sheriff's department is more similar to the Montgomery County Police.

    And as far as hiring college kids to do their "dirty work", the officers were doing "the dirty work" of patrolling the roads and answering calls. Imagine the criticism if they were seen sitting in front of Walmart instead of doing their jobs?

    Not buying what you're selling.

  26. Vote Rick out and fire 50% of the

    1. Fire Rick yes sheriffs no.

    2. Get rid of the State Troopers i see them covering WCSO area get back on the highways fools the sheriffs can handle our own area.


  28. 6:56 - where do you live? Must not be in Wicomico County! Are you aware of the crime rate? Have you paid attention to the recent home invasion? Thanks to our so-called "leaders", we are a magnet for low lifes and thugs and drugs are rampant. How in heaven's name do you think we can survive with less law enforcement?

  29. Culver needs to go after Pollitts Jugular already.

  30. 6:37

    The average Deputy makes 60,000 plus. So???? If you want a job go to the Sheriff's Office, pick up an application, go through a rigid hiring process, and then attend a 6 month academy. And graduate from it! Otherwise, shut your mouth. They deserve every penny.

    1. Every penny and more. They are entitled to exactly what the citizens of this county vote for 8 years ago...Why has this fight gone on for so long and how much of our tax dollars has been spent fighting this.... I for one love the Sheriff's ofc and State Police...but that maybe because I live on this side of the law....GOD BLESS ALL OF THESE MEN AND WOMEN....

  31. Rick's motto "building bridges" is meant for him and his other cronies, building bridges to the buffet line!

  32. Just go ahead, quit with the posturing BS, and sue him and the county for breach of contract and your legal fees!

  33. I think some of you need to back up your statements with facts. Better yet, why don't you try and educate yourselves beyond the water cooler. The "average deputy" makes well below 60k a year without overtime. Also, the vast majority of overtime is "mandatory"for lack of a better term. Ever see Deputies working a school event? Or Regal cinemas? Maybe the airport? Possibly an event at the Civic Center? Deputies are not " forced" to work these assignments, but they have to be filled, and they are paid by those respective entities. I don't pretend to know what any of you do for a living. Good thing, since I would not be able to accurately criticize you or your performance, or what your pay or benifits are. Maybe I could negatively classify you or your profession based on the actions of one of your peers. Law Enforcement professionals are just that; professionals. They are highly trained, work under tremendous stress and willing to write a blank check every time they go 10-8.

  34. 6:51 - I would watch out what you are saying as I have already heard about another petition drive to repeal the collective bargaining agreement.

    It happened in Wisconsin, Montgomery County, and it could easily happen here in Wicomico. I too have a problem with binding taxpayers to collective bargaining - it is absurd, and, is a license to steal.

    1. License to steal? It gives the deputies a seat at the table to negotiate.

  35. Just vote for Bob Culver and things will get better in Wicomico County.

  36. Hey Rick - you would be very surprised who now has Vote Bob Culver signs in their yard - your time is up.

  37. Maybe the same confusion over the agreement is the same confusion our county executive has when he can't remember to NOT use the County Credit card to buy groceries

  38. Hey 8:26
    You are right on !!!

  39. Well 9:19 I hope you are correct about the petition. I do not know if you were in this county when collective bargaining was voted on. Let me educate you it appears you have hit your freaking head on something. The people spoke at tune of 18,608 votes for and 7,540 against lol. I think you are currently on the County Council. I will not throw you under the bus by naming you.

    You are the same councilman that stated "the people did not know what they were voting for" You arrogant political turd. I guess the people knew what they were voting for when they got your backwards ass in office. Sir that was an uneducated vote if you ask me. As for the comparison with Montgomery County the police there are paid better than the Maryland State Police.

    The whole issue of collective bargaining came about over twenty years ago when the deputies were told there was no pension in the county. Funny Carl Peterson, Matt Craemer had retirement through the county. Yet none for deputies,see where this is going sir. The F.O.P. would have never made the move if it was not needed trust me. Oh yea I did hear they have plenty of homes in Montgomery County, move there.

  40. Pollitt = corruption, and the good ole boys ENOUGH ALREADY.

  41. What the HELL is wrong with you people? Get rid of the sheriff and the hired thugs that work there and SAVE MONEY! Compare that to Pollitt’s salary… WOW – SAVE MONEY NOW!

  42. I think some of you are confused as to what transpired between the F.O.P. and Rick Pollit's staff. The county offered a fair and very solid contract. All parties agreed to the contract as presented by the County. It was not until after the County started removing funds to maintenance the said contract did the F.O.P. learn the contract had major changes in the language and benefits. When the F.O.P. brought this to the attention of Rick's office they refused to removed a social security offset they inserted in the contract, that would greatly diminish a young deputies benefits if injured in the line of duty. Again the F.O.P. was not asking for anything absurd just disability for line of duty injury that results in the deputy being unable to work as a law enforcement officer.

    It should be noted in this negotiation there is five attorneys and seven Sheriff's deputies in room. the truth will come out. This being said why on earth would the F.O.P. walk away from such a great contract. People this does not add up. It was a classic bait and switch by Pollitt's Office. In knowing Rick Pollitt the way I do I have to believe he was misled by his staff and no one had the balls to admit to their mistake to him. I think we all know who screwed up.

    The fact is the deputies have been more then patient waiting for the County to do what the people of this great county told them to do in 2006. The deputies of this county have been asking for a disability that is comparable to other law enforcement through out this nation. In line of duty disability nothing more. Anyone who can fault these men and women who go out daily wearing body armor to serve and protect is living under a rock. They deserve the peace of mind knowing their loved ones will be taken care of.

    Deputy Thomas Funk and Sheriff Mike Lewis are on the record presenting these very facts to the County Council over a year ago. This was right after Deputy Funk was shot by a very violent felon. The County stated the disability was "better" then L.E.O.P.S. and attempts to discredit these men came soon after. The fact is the disability fails in so many ways. I suggest all county employees take a hard look at what the county offers in the way of work related disability. People you will not be able to thrive on the benefit. Your family will suffer if you are injured working for the county.

    I think some people in Human Resources owe a huge apology to Sheriff Mike Lewis and Deputy First Class Funk. These are men of integrity who presented hard facts to the council and were discredited by a member of the Human Resources Office. I am not saying it was intentional, but just the same it happened.

    Joe thank you for putting this information out there. The truth will come out and I can assure you the F.O.P. will continue to fight for the benefits these men and women deserve. Again thank you for getting news out that the liberal media refuses to print.

    Martin A. Fisher
    President F.O.P. Lodge 111

    1. Oh and want to be comparable to other sheriff's offices? Wicomico is far from other offices. Once again puff master fish is blowing again. Marty for once in your life quit telling stories. This isn't Christmas dinner.
      J fisher

  43. 8:38 I mean Wayne sober up dude and get back to work.

  44. FOP only cares about money, they don't care about fellow county employees or the tax payer.

    1. Agreed. The entitlement thought process. They chose their jobs. And cry they have to wear armour? Who they only do real work when assigned to federal task force. Why should they get taken care of better than us if we get hurt? Andbi know no person in 2006 said hey cops your deserve more anything.

  45. FOP is out of control.

  46. The DT's will soon be trying something brand new:A "for what it's worth" column where each week the most popular post in Sby News will be published,based on the post with the most comments.I think it's a great idea.

  47. I have NO respect for Pollitt! and very little for the deputies which I have had dealings with over the past 2-3 years. The ones I dealt with were useless and did no follow up or would not return calls ....even the LT that was suppose to be taking calls for info on a lot of break ins.....didn't get thru to her either. Mike, you really need to get those guys working the job they are being paid to do! and THEN talk about what they make and deserve!

  48. @8:05 you mean we need MORE state police don't you? cause the deputies are pretty useless!!!

  49. Anonymous said...
    There was suppose to be term limits put on the executive but the Dems said term limits would happen at the polls. Well, guys now is your time. Rickys's two terms are up. Vote Nov 4th for Bob Culver.

    October 9, 2014 at 5:25 PM

    There are term limits. Every time there is an election there is a term limit. If the people don't want a candidate in office they will limit their term. DUH!!

  50. It's pretty ironic that a FOP and kops in general would accuse anyone else of being dishonorable.
    That's about as good as a sniper telling others they should obey the ten commandments.

  51. Anonymous said...
    Pollitt and his "administration" have gotten really good at pissing people off. Either Rick isn't such a nice guy after all or he is letting Strausburg run the show. Either way, the County needs a change.

    October 9, 2014 at 5:36 PM

    Rick isn't a nice guy. He is a phony nice in your face guy.

  52. He's too busy eating (evidence by the size of him as well as his card he's abusing) to run this county. Vote for Bob Culver and let slick rick buy his own food!!!

  53. 2:54 maybe you should get a job and stop using opiates. Have you not done enough time in a cage.,


  54. You guys need to be mighty thankful for your Sheriff's Department and the try to understand what they put on the line everyday. Pollitt is a bully, a coward and has never had any honor. Please support your Sheriff's Department as they readily sacrifice for us everyday!

  55. Sacrifice what, they only do what will benefit them, they need to remember they work for the citizens. Take their take home vehicle away, freeze their pay and cut the overtime. We'd still get the same results.

  56. How is it that the Deputies don't have disability? We voted for this 10 years ago! I know governments works slowly, but This is insane.

  57. 3:37 you are what happens when your drink the water too close to the chicken houses. Let me ask you something can you look through a key hole with both eyes. Why piss the cops off. They write tickets and investigate crimes you idiot. You screw with them they screw the "good" people right back. I think we let them fight crime and pick on bad guys. When you tip the apple cart you dont want to eat the apples.

    I know that might be a little deep for you. Now Stop mouth breathing and wipe the drewel. Time for you to milk the pigs lol


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