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Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Eric Holder Wishes He Could Have Curbed Your Rights More Effectively

The Washington Times reports:

If there’s one thing that Eric Holder regrets during his time as attorney general for the United States, it’s his failure to press through a Second Amendment crackdown on the heels of Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting that left 20 children and six adults dead, he said.

“I think the inability to pass reasonable gun safety laws after the Newtown massacre is something that weighs heavily on my mind,” Mr. Holder said during an interview with CNN.

He was speaking of the White House push to pass a federal background check mandate for all commercial gun sales, as well as an outright ban on so-called assault weapons and large-capacity ammunition magazines, in the wake of the December 2012 school tragedy.

. . .

“And the thought that we could not translate that horror into reasonable — I mean, really reasonable gun safety measures that were supported by the vast majority of the American people is for me something that I take personally as a failure,” he said, The Hill reported.



  1. Yep he is a failure alright..picking the wrong fights...should be a champion for gun rights..not the chump he is ..a pimp lawyer for the libtards

  2. Holder is a liberal Obama kiss ass moron who could not hold a job outside of politics. He is also a racist.

  3. I bet he does. junk in = junk out.

  4. There are no death certificates.

    There were no murders in Newtown Connecticut during December 2012.

    Everyone who worked on the demolition of the school signed nondisclosure agreements. They are forbidden from discussing what they saw (or didn't see).

  5. We regret that he ever even held the position not to mention all.the lies and coverups.


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