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Friday, October 17, 2014

Ebola Exposed US Troops To Be Quarantined Near Washington DC

Any soldier exposed will immediately be brought back to US; UK will NOT bring back infected troops

A Defense Department memo indicates that military commanders will be given the authority to quarantine US troops returning from Ebola ravaged nations in a secure DoD facility for 21 days.

The memo, obtained by CNN, says that troops will be monitored at the facility, tested for Ebola, and treated there if necessary.

The memo does not specify the location of the facility that will house the troops, but an official speaking anonymously confirmed that it will likely be a site close to Washington DC.

With 500 troops already deployed to West Africa, and potentially 4000 in total authorized to ship out, the DC facility must be a large complex equipped to deal with and contain hazardous materials.

The CNN report says that the memo, which has not been made public, “spells out precise procedures for monitoring troops’ exposure and how any problems will be dealt with.”

It is said to explain that troops potentially exposed to bodily fluids of Ebola patients will be immediately evacuated from West Africa, shipped back into the US and quarantined at the military facility.



  1. Obummer is working his magic, introduce Ebola to our military to weaken it and bring them back here to spread it to the citizens, he gets the epidemic he wants to declare martial law and becomes dictator. Good bye America.

  2. whenever i think it can't get more idiotic, it does!
    set up isolation at the point of contamination.. so as to NOT risk further spread.


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