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Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Drug War Asininity: Cops Raid Georgia Man’s Home After Mistaking Okra for Weed

Heroic Georgia police task force, in an effort to keep the citizens of Cartersville safe from a plant, descended onto the house of a man who’d dare grow vegetables in his own yard.

Dwayne Perry was awaken Wednesday night to a helicopter hovering over his house and deputies and a K-9 unit in his front yard.

“They were strapped to the gills,” Perry said. “I was scared actually at first, because I didn’t know what was happening.”

The chopper belonged to the heroic task force created by the Georgia governor’s office which is setup to kidnap and cage those who’d dare try to do with their own bodies as they wish.

The overzealous and highly incompetent task force mistook an okra plant, which has five leaves for the cannabis plant which has seven.

“We’ve not been able to identify it as of yet. But it did have quite a number of characteristics that were similar to a cannabis plant,” said Georgia State Patrol Capt. Kermit Stokes.



  1. The absolute most frightening thing about this is, the incompetence is pervasive throughout LE.., AND they have our government's approval to willfully destroy an honest citizen's life, if not take it. That, is what is so frightening about this whole story.

  2. Welcome to police state where no man or women is safe.


  3. It's called dope for a reason...

    That said, everyone knows okra is a gateway vegetable to broccoli, kale, cabbage and ultimately, spinach.

    Those idiots should be disciplined severely!

  4. Maybe he had a Gateway computer and they got confusselled.

  5. God forbid if he had a Japanese Maple tree in his yard as well. They might have just opened fire when they saw that.

  6. These bozos are from Georgia and don't know what an okra plant looks like? Their grandmothers are rolling over in their graves.

  7. True story... I own a garden center and I was hauling purple vitex plants up here from Suffolk. I got pulled over on the CBBT and searched because, without blooms, vitex looks just like marijuana. The cops had to call in dogs and do all kinds of tests before they released me.


  8. Our tax dollars spent wisely

  9. 7:37 AM Vitex looks like pot in the same way Okra does. Meaning in the vaguest possible sense. It has 5 long slender leaves but they have a smooth outline. Pot has 7 leaves and they are jagged.

    How stoopid are kops?

  10. All that really matters is the fear.

    The kops want us to fear them.

    It is working for me!

  11. The worst part is that this is all considered OK. Tens of thousands of dollars to raid an Okra patch. Maybe this will help some realize that this is a symptom of the government's monopoly on force.

  12. He should be arrested! Ever eat okra, it is disgusting.


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