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Thursday, October 02, 2014

Did Jesse Matthew possibly murdered TWO other Virginia women?

Authorities are investigating whether Jesse Matthew was involved in up to 10 crimes against women in Virginia, after the 31-year-old was arrested under suspicion of kidnapping still-missing college student Hannah Graham.

Matthew was arrested in Texas last week after fleeing Virginia when police tried to question him in the disappearance of the 19-year-old University of Virginia student. The UVA nurses's assistant was the last person seen with Graham the night she went missing from downtown Charlottesville.

Now investigators are looking into Matthew's movements over the last 12 years, focusing in on the more than six months he attended Christopher Newport University when two other young women disappeared without a trace.



  1. 10:05 I concur... DOUBLE DUH

  2. Duh's seem to be the word today,but dna is not moving quick enough.Something has held up it's progress and I suspect the courts have something to do with it.The technology for mass dna acquisition has been acquired already.Non invasive techniques that would greatly narrow the lists of suspects early on have been perfected.Serial killers and rapists could be a thing of the past if only the technology was shared with the world.

  3. He also was an assistant coach at a private catholic high school football team.....and no one had any ideal what a monster he is! How scary is that?


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