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Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Developing: Saudi Arabia Finances Terror


  1. So what? Our country does the exact same thing.

  2. 2:44 PM Are you using that POS excuse to justify their behavior or ours?

    You sir are an idiot. The type of person that, when caught, says "well they are doing it to."

    If all of your friends jumped of a bridge?

    None of this behavior is okay, ever.

  3. Saudi Arabia's royal family was created out of thin air by the western oil companies in the 1950s. When they do it, it is Americans doing it. It is American interests that the Saudi's take care of.

    The history of the world has not been left to chance for crying out loud!

    Are Americans really that stupid?

    Nothing is left to chance. Everything is controlled. Why wouldn't it be? Wake up folks. The .5% really do own the world. And the politicians. And the biggest corporations. And the science & technology development.

  4. ...and this is news?
    Nothing at all against you Joe, in fact this story needs to be publicized widely over and again. However, the Saudi royal family has been at the very heart of terrorism since the start. I reference the three princes who were backing Al-Qaeda, can't find their names right off and probably couldn't pronounce them anyway. They all 'disappeared' after the news broke about them. But the point is that the Saudis have been in the terror game for some time now it isn't something new.

  5. 326-I never said it was okay, moron. But our country has spent the last 100 years deeply involved in destabilizing the Middle East. We reap, what we sow.


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