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Monday, October 13, 2014

Details of How Mandatory Ebola Vaccines Will Soon Be a Reality

My friend and broadcast colleague, John Moore, attempted to reach me today by phone. Unfortunately, I was not able to call Mr. Moore back. I was unable to hear Mr. Moore’s message until after he would have retired for the evening as I am two time zones behind him. As I listened to John’s groundbreaking broadcast of his morning show during the wee hours of the morning, I know why John reached out to me.

This morning, I received a message that I was to meet a familiar party at a familiar location where “many previously held secrets would be revealed”. I was not allowed to take my cell phone to the meeting which is why I did not receive John’s message in a timely fashion. The meeting consisted of four people, one of which, has been a primary source of information for me on a variety of national security issues covering the last several years. This source has never been wrong.


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