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Friday, October 24, 2014

Dem Strategist: Obama Has ‘Removed Threat of Deportation'

(CNSNews.com) – Democrat activist and strategist Simon Rosenberg said Tuesday that even before President Obama issues a new executive order expanding the number of illegal aliens who are eligible for temporary legal status, the threat of deportation already has been removed through the administration’s policy of not enforcing immigration law.

“I think that the immigration community has, frankly, given the Democrats and the president far less credit than they deserve for how much we’ve – the president has fundamentally altered the system to essentially have removed the threat of deportation over virtually every undocumented immigrant in the country already,” Rosenberg said. “That’s already happened.”

Rosenberg made his remarks as a panelist at the 11th annual Immigration Law and Policy Conference held at Georgetown University Law Center.



  1. So what should we do?..they are slready here! you wanna pay to send em all home? Pay for the bullets to shoot em all? ..republicans need to get off their asses and get some votes out of this too....its a complicated problem..

  2. To 6:18-I'll donate a few thousand rounds.


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