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Wednesday, October 01, 2014

Decision To Let Cop Killer Abu-Jamal Give Commencement Speech 'Despicable,' Widow Says

A Vermont college's selection of convicted cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal as commencement speaker is a “despicable” decision that should be reversed, his victim's widow told FoxNews.com.

Maureen Faulkner, whose husband Daniel was gunned down by Abu-Jamal in 1981, was shocked to learn of the selection by undergraduate students at tiny Goddard College in Plainfield. Abu-Jamal, who will not attend the event and whose speech will be pre-recorded, received a bachelor of arts degree from the 245-student liberal arts college in 1996 through a correspondence program.

“It’s not appropriate,” Faulkner said. “His freedom was taken away when he murdered a police officer in the line of duty. It seems like our justice system allows murderers to continue to have a voice over the public airwaves and at college commencement. It’s despicable.”



  1. If Eric Holder had a SON.

  2. Maybe Berkley or UCLA should get Charles Manson for their graduation commencement speaker. What a joke but would expect nothing more from a liberal arts college.

  3. This is the America you have created.

  4. 1:45 you are so right! College is wasted on the young. They are away from home and have no idea how to be responsible in their actions. They just want to drink. MOST are too young to even know what they want to be "when they grow up"!

  5. Message to any companies looking to hire.DO NOT HIRE ANYONE WHO GRADUATED FROM Goddard College!!!

  6. Goddard College in Plainfield. Abu-Jamal, received a bachelor of arts degree from the 245-student liberal arts college in 1996 through a correspondence program.

    Oh and everyone failed to mention the Muslim Lover got his college degree paid for by our hard earned tax dollars. He should have been doing hard labor instead of a so called correspondence degree. What kind of pin heads would even want a Muslim or a cop killer as their guest speaker. What an idol for your children.


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