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Wednesday, October 08, 2014

CNN Reporter Returning from Liberia 'Shocked' and 'Horrified' by Lax Screening

On Monday on HLN, CNN medical reporter Elizabeth Cohen said she was aghast at the lax screening procedures at airports for passengers who might have been exposed to Ebola. She said that even after she told agents she was coming back from Liberia and had been covering the Ebola epidemic, the screening agents did not seem to care and could not even tell her what symptoms were Ebola warning signs.

"I expected that they were going to take my temperature, they would ask me lots of questions, but they didn’t," Cohen said on HLN on Monday. "I said, 'I'm a journalist. I’ve come back from Liberia. I was covering Ebola.' And the gentleman who was helping me--the officer--he started to hand my passport back and say, 'welcome home.'"



  1. One positive case and one "possible" case among 370 million people and this person is shocked and horrified?Am I missing something?

    1. Is this site not allowing anymore replies?

  2. thank you 11:48 I was wondering why this false flag and media hype about .. virtually nothing.
    Ebola has existed over there for years. and people die of it all the time, why now the hype?
    But what I am appalled by is the fact that they sent troops over there, not medics but troops.
    Why? Why put our troops in such a position that is way beyond their control. This I disagree with.

  3. Just make sure to take those shoes off.

  4. Everyone needs to be concerned. Up until recently Ebola was confined to 2 Central African countries. This outbreak has it spreading into West Africa. This current epidemic is the most severe and widespread ever since the virus was first discovered.
    The careless and heedless attitude of those like 11:48 & 7:25 is exactly the reason for this current epidemic. People need to be proactive and forward thinking.
    Speaking of shoes, when traveling from some African countries into another, disease control consists of everyone wiping their shoes off on the same dirty wet towel. Sounds so primitive but these are 3rd World countries. What's amazing is that they are attempting to prevent disease spread and the US which is supposed to be so civilized has done nothing.

  5. Since Ebola was first discovered in the 70's there have been many outbreaks. The number of infected people between the discovery and the outbreak just prior to this one( which began 12/2013) was about 1200 to 1500. The lethality is about 70 to 90%. Since the start of this outbreak over 8000 people have been infected by records however this does not account for the people who don't go to, or get to, or are turned away from full hospitals. Experts estimate the real number to be about 2.5 to 3 times the known number. The CDC even estimates that 1.5 million could be infected before we are able to end this outbreak. Travel from infected places had not been halted and desperate people are going to continue to lie on questionnaires as their home hospitals are at capacity and they are being turned away. They will attempt to come to those countries in which the hospitals are not yet but will be at capacity with ebola patients. It us a grave situation we are in. Educate yourself don't be foolish it is not hype.

    Realistic, Educated, and very scared US Physician.

  6. Thanks OBAMA you fN TRAITOR.

  7. The security must be lax. Otherwise, how could they get it to spread?

  8. I profoundly and vigorously agree with above comments-10:17 and 11:06, US Physician.

    B.A. Anthropology, Cornell U
    M.D. Medicine, Tufts U School of Medicine
    MPH, Health and Social Behavior, Harvard U School of Public Health.


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