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Friday, October 03, 2014

City Of Salisbury Work Session 10-6-14


  1. Had to laugh when I saw "work" session

  2. Does this mean booth street being demolished? Cause they need to go. I live right down the street in saffrass meadows

  3. Annexation of the Tri-County Council office, annexation up to Wor-Wic Community College. You might as well annex all of Parsonsburg and take over their fire department. There is no way the City police and fire departments will be able to respond to those areas in a timely manner, but you know Rick Hoppes will use that to barter and demand the city council pay for new firemen.

    1. They mine as well due to parsons burg is unincorporated and plus I think they are doing that 2010 comprehensive plan when they expand city limits plus if they do all the annex property's salisburys population would increase about 20000 and the population would be at least 50000 people.


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