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Wednesday, October 22, 2014

City Council Woman Shanie Shields Admits To Being On/ Using Oxycodone

Councilwoman Shanie Shields admits to being on Oxycodone. I'm told it's about half way through the above video.


  1. So what? You are nothing but a desperate little pig Albero.

  2. Is everyone on drugs these days? Biden's son just got kicked out of the navy for testing positive for cocain. Everyone knows Obama was a crack head also.

  3. So 10:05? You don't mind that someone is making decisions governing the welfare of many lives while on a MIND ALTERING SUBSTANCE? If sure hope she doesn't operate a vehicle and if she does, I hope law enforcement will now take appropriate action. I also hope she or Laura Mitchell do not own or reside in a home with FIREARMS!

  4. Notice beginning at 105:50 Laura inquires about the 30 day limit for narcotic prescriptions, later Shanie inquires about free coverage for obesity....taking up tax payers time for personal issues rather than contacting her doctor.

  5. i don't know about shanie but everyone knows laura likes to drink and catch a buzz, pills and alcohol spells trouble

  6. 10:05 No, you are... for supporting this trash. Go move to Floriduh old woman!

  7. Please put a transcription of Shields comments here i tried to get to that part of the video but was so bored and stupified LOL of the discussion over the bricks I kept falling asleep!!!!!
    On the bricks topic have they bumped their heads ??? The cost for what???? To look good on a resume??? Put the money on improving something thats already here or donate to Habitat they already have a system that works!!! Listen just a few minutes and everyone seems to have more questions and their own ideas for the use of an "apt bldg" than answers!!!


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