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Sunday, October 19, 2014

CDC director: Second case of Ebola in US result of 'breach of protocol'

The director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said a "breach of protocol" caused a health care worker at a Dallas hospital to preliminarily test positive for Ebola.

The health care worker, a female nurse at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital, had "extensive contact" on multiple occasions with Thomas Eric Duncan, the first person diagnosed with Ebola in the U.S., who died last week, Dr. Tom Frieden said in a press conference Sunday.

If the preliminary diagnosis is confirmed, it would be the first known case of the disease being contracted or transmitted in the U.S.

Frieden said confirmatory testing is under way and will be completed later Sunday.



  1. It's only going to get worse unless Obama gets serious and cuts off all travel Visas into this country from infected countries. We shouldn't expect Obama or any democrat to do anything responsible though. The best thing that could happen is that he gets ebola.

  2. wonder how many people she infected.
    perfect storm, perfect test to see how this will all play out when we are intentionally poisoned / diseased.

  3. This will spread through to poor neighborhoods through illegals and into the schools.

  4. Kids in schools are sick from the South American illegals who brought their diseases with them and now Ebola from the Liberian who came here to visit his 'girlfriend'; Thanks Demos for your Progressive and liberal actions.

  5. This is NOTHING to joke about. Ebola has been known to be the most deadly disease known to mankind and it cannot be stopped even in isolation wards and with people chemically treated coming and going. If this breaks into the community, and it looks like it has, it will be this centuries plague and will be more like black death than ever imagined. People think that you are silly for being concerned....this is your wakeup call.

  6. It is Obamas plan to kill millions of Americans so the Islamic people can take over the U.S. And also declare a National emergency so He can declare a Police State to control all U.S> citizens and put them in Fema camps for their own protection of course. Sound familiar like Nazi Germany. PEOPLE BEWARE.

  7. It's going to get worse and if Obama wakes up it will be to late.

  8. If Obama wants to continue flights from these infected countries, their first stop should be at the White House for an extended stay.

  9. All flights should go from Liberia to Afghanistan and Iraq.

  10. QUESTION: Would you feel safe going into the emergency room in the ebola hospital in Texas? If you got a fever would you go? So... if people answer NO WAY...then people who THINK they might have been exposed will be to fearful to go into a hospital that already has the virus. And they sit it out...maybe even go to work. Where do you think this leads?

  11. 5:35
    Stop trying to scare people.

    Ebola spreads very slowly and dies off quickly. It can only be transmitted through body FLUIDS.

    Think about it. Once the community knows about it, it is stopped. There has NEVER been an outbreak like this one.

    This is a bio-weapon. Some military has released it into the environment in those specific countries in Africa.

    The US Governments unwillingness to STOP all air plane flights from those Countries is a serious issue. Why would the not stop the flights? Isn't that the first thing a logical person might do to isolate the disease?

    There is a lot more to this story.

  12. There has been a breach of protocol-the protocol of the president protecting the citizens of this country. This guy obviously is the enemy.

  13. or 8:09-- and even better, because someone coming from Liberia could connect from Europe to US, would be to quarantine those coming in from infected countries. This could easily be done by checking stamps in passports. President Bush did put Ebola on the quarantine list, which removed the "red tape" when but Obola removed it a few years ago, a fact not well known.

  14. All countries with an outbreak need to be quaranteened. NO TRAVEL out. (One can go to France,for example.) then anywhere.
    Keeping them all contained is the only way to prevent spread.

  15. Quarantine the countries of origin.

  16. "breech of protocol" is a less than brilliant deduction.


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