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Sunday, October 05, 2014

Caption This Photo 9-29-14


  1. Must have worn out their 3's

  2. Those prices would not even cover Maryland taxes today.

  3. This is because of our CORRUPT POLITICIANS taking $$$$$$ for there campaigns.

    Treasonous. I say.

  4. That was back in the day

  5. file under, "never gonna happen again"

  6. If I had seen this I would have to look around to make sure I didn't fall into a porthole back in time. Full service to boot? and a free glass? WOW! I want to JUMP into the porthole!!! :)

  7. That was like the 80's

  8. And you get a free glass? Wow!

  9. At the time we thought those prices were high.

  10. Section 8 gas. And we pay for the rest.

  11. Back in these days "regular" was LEADED, not unleaded.

  12. Eh? What's that, sonny?

  13. Actually that is close to the price of gas in 74-75. At the time unleaded regular was available but I don't think high test now called supreme unleaded existed.

  14. Cat converters came out in 74 for larger vehicles as the US government was protecting Japanese companies by not requiring them to outfit the vehicles. Unleaded gas was required for a car with a catalytic converter and the fuel inlet restrictor and smaller pump nossle was created to attempt to prevent someone from pumping leaded gas into a car requiring no lead.
    These prices are from the late 70's

  15. There is talk of starting to sell gas by the quart, fooling consumers into thinking gas prices are coming down. Several countries sell gas by the Liter and some folks believe it is cheaper, but it takes several to make a US gallon. Just imagine the lineup if someone had 89.9 on a pole, but in fine print instead of Gal. it was Qt.
    And what is with the 9/10 of a cent, America never had such a coin!

  16. Idiot Democrats and there taxes ruined it for us.

  17. Esso changed to Exxon in 1972, but there weren't 3 grades of gas, only regular and supreme.


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