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Sunday, October 12, 2014

Can You Guess What Political Party Josh Hastings, (far left) Is TRULY Tied To?

Josh Hastings, Bill Duck, Chuck Cook. Jessica Cook, Jim Ireton and Chris Demone


  1. As usual democrats will say anything to get elected.

    1. Hey 12:41 pm, we've got one right here in Sussex County Delaware. I like to think of him as an angry, out of control, self entitled, egotistical political flip flopper. He likes to party and drive drunk on Ocean City highways ( pun intended), gets stopped but not arrested, Why? Then driven home by friend, same night he and subservient wifey have domestic disturbance where police are called. Again all charges/no charges dropped by beat up wifey and police. Can't find any police report for that specific incident? Gets censored by Republican party in Dover/excommunicated from the club, flops over to the Democrats, then gets elected as fresh new Democratic meat. Races to Dover, gets stopped for speeding, badmouths cop, threatens retaliatory dismissal (I'm a big fish, actually a blow toad). Writes letter to Del State Police Chiefy, Big Chiefy laughs at pouting politician. Then Mr. Demoncrat starts brush with rubber tires (illegal in Del) has confrontation by citizen, fight ensues, fire trucks show up and after the dust settles, father in law takes the heat, Democratic blowtoad goes on with life as usual. All the libs and homos love him here in Slower Delaware. They continue to give this self centered bum a high paying job. Typical entitled flip/flop Democrap.

  2. The heading says it all.....

    "far left"!

  3. Anonymous said...
    The heading says it all.....

    "far left"!

    October 9, 2014 at 1:00 PM

    You better believe he is FAR Left. He works for the Eastern Shore Land Conservancy and he wants your land. Left wingnut Democrats lie to you and tell you any thing you want to hear. Only a stupid person will vote for a Democrat whether he is your friend or not.

  4. Joe you are amazing. Your readers are too stupid to figure out anything on their own, and unable to remember or comprehend what you have told them five times now.

    Please do an article every day until the election that Josh is a Democrat. Also include the quote of Josh's denying he is a Democrat.

  5. Biggest bunch of self-serving schmucks I've seen in a while.

  6. Guess which one of the bunch isn't Gay?

    I don't know either.

  7. 1:56 PM

    Hey genius, you're a "reader" too, seeing as how you posted. Pot calling the kettle black.

  8. Anonymous said...
    Joe you are amazing. Your readers are too stupid to figure out anything on their own, and unable to remember or comprehend what you have told them five times now.

    Please do an article every day until the election that Josh is a Democrat. Also include the quote of Josh's denying he is a Democrat.

    October 9, 2014 at 1:56 PM


    Someone got their feelings hurt. LOL

  9. Joe I think Josh Hastings his trolls seem to be a little sensitive today. Keep up the good work.

  10. Josh won't win people are sick of liars.

  11. They all look like 'South Beach' boys from Rehoboth Beach.., except that female.., she belongs up north.

  12. Six more reasons to vote for Larry Dodd!

  13. Anonymous said...
    Six more reasons to vote for Larry Dodd!

    October 10, 2014 at 8:28 AM


  14. Why do I feel like I need a shower after seeing a picture of those boys rubbing all over each other! What a nauseating picture.

  15. Are they all gay? They look it.


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