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Friday, October 10, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: Malala Yousafzai and Kailash Satyarthi win the Nobel Peace Prize

Children's rights activists Malala Yousafzai of Pakistan and Kailash Satyarthi of India have won the Nobel Peace Prize ‘for their struggle against the suppression of children and young people and for the right of all children to education.’

From Fox News


  1. Wise selection for a change.As much admiration as I have for Edward Snowden I really did not want him to get it.Children are what it's all about.

  2. Isn't this the prize made worthless by giving it to Obama after he did nothing to earn it?

    I wouldn't have one near my house!

  3. I just listened to the BBC interview the publisher of a major newspaper in Pakistan. He said Malala is a fraud. He said that he doesn't think she was shot at all. She is part of a vast conspiracy to corrupt the citizenry.

    This is Islamic thinking. I don't care if you are a Christian or not, but realize that ALL RELIGIONS ARE NOT CREATED EQUAL.

    Please spare us messages about the Crusades, etc. Look around the world today. Who burns, churches, oppresses people of different lifestyles or beliefs, treats women as 2nd class citizens, etc., etc., etc..

    It's time for people everywhere to GROW UP AND DITCH THE POLITICAL CORRECTNESS!

  4. 8:54 Because journalist never make stuff up to get their 15 minutes of fame?

    Also, all religions are created equally. Islam has two sides, radical and moderate, Christianity has the same two sides, as does Catholicism and Judaism. They're all the same.

  5. 9:36,

    Nothing about your remarks make any sense.

    I never said journalist [sic] never make stuff up. But the BBC didn't make up the backward thinking Pakistani newspaper editor.

    A religion that treats people the way Islam treats people is an assault on human rights. It's pretty simple.

  6. These "Peace Prizes" don't mean much anymore since they awarded one to the idiot Obama for doing NOTHING!

  7. Malala should have gotten it the first time she was nominated, but Obama got it instead.

    Glad she got it this time, along with the other prize winner, but still disgusted she was not given it the first time.


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