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Sunday, October 26, 2014

Breaking News: Hogan Gets Major Media Endorsement!

The Gazette newspaper – the leading local daily newspaper in Maryland, circulated primarily in Montgomery County, has endorsed Larry Hogan. This newspaper is owned by the same company as the Washington Post.

It’s a big deal, folks.



  1. Yikes, the Daily Times has endorsed Hogan also -- eat you heard out Rick Pollitt (Brown's local campaign manager).

  2. They must own the Daily Times as well because the Times did the same today. I was surprised because seldom does the Times ever endorse a Republican.

  3. Doesn't bode well for OweMalley 2.0!

  4. Can't understand why anyone would vote for Brown? Everyone in Maryland is complaining about being overtaxed and wanting to move out of Maryland. Vote Hogan.

  5. NO. A "big deal " would be if it were from Anne Arundel/Baltimore/P.G. County newspaper. This is crap.
    Hogan can't win without winning one of those 3. It's a proven fact. Republicans win 20 out of 24 voting jurisdictions and always lose. Except Erlich who had a great ground game to get out the vote.. Republicans can't beat the huge Democratic machine that gets out the vote in Anne Arundel, Baltimore county and city, and P.G. County.
    Hogan could run against Bugs Bunny and he'd lose as the huge minorities would still vote for Bugs bunny.
    You refuse to post it because you
    KNOW this is true.
    Hogan will lose by at least 6 to 10 points.

  6. 12:16
    Sorry I disagree with you. The 3 main counties to win are Montgomery, Baltimore and PG. Ehrlich won AA in 2010 and Romney in 2012.

  7. Never-the-less, Hogan has my VOTE

  8. The Liberals have bought the votes. Give them credit for one thing: they bought them long term.

    They didn't just make promises for small stuff. They have made "fundamental changes" in the American way of life (as promised). They truly believe in their cause.

    They believe people with means (whether earned or inherited) should support the people without means up to a fairly high standard of living (compared to 3rd world countries). They believe the poor should not even have to work at all to "achieve" (?) this fairly high standard of living in America. The Country as a whole is rich (natural resources) and therefore the people deserve to live off of the natural resources' income. This is so, simply because the people are born into the vicinity of the Country. Now there are Liberals who believe if a poor person can simply "make it into this Country" he/she should enjoy the same fairly high standard of living.

    Many of us are outraged that the majority of the people of the USA now embrace this ideology. And we should be outraged.

    Unfortunately Hogan will lose. It is the Republicans' turn to win, but they will not win. The Liberals have managed to endow enough of the Maryland Public to convince the poor to vote in order to maintain their new found wealth.

  9. Low information voters will vote for Brown only because hes "cool". All smart people will vote for Hogan. How you voting???

  10. 12:16 was very close to the reality we face. 12:52 made the slight correction. To fine-tune it, you have to add all the federal and state employees to the mix. They are on a roll financially despite a lousy economy. They sure don't want a less-government crusader getting in there. And there are a LOT of them in those three jurisdictions.

    Hogan by a hair's breadth. 12:16 we gotta believe, we gotta show up and vote.

  11. I find it interesting that the local rag endorses Hogan yet wouldn't endorse Culver. Reasons for endorsing Hogan are why they should have endorsed Culver too. All this has done is make the all women editorial board look stupid. Women are supposed to be smarter than men, but based on their local endorsement, I find that group to be an embarrassment to the smart women I know.

  12. 3;22 Don't know those women, but based on their local endorsements, they must like people who live off the government, like a daddy state and are part of the down town clique. They apparently are very comfortable with how things are going in Wicomico, so they must be on the receiving end of some perks. Matt Holloway is no republican and Pollitt can't vision his way out of a paper bag yet they want to give him another 4 years, total of 12, to get his vision completed. Give me a freaking break! How irresponsible on their part. Laura Mitchell and Josh Hastings aren't even worth mentioning. The Gannett people must use this kitty litter liner as a write-off because they certainly aren't doing anything to gain the respect of the public.

  13. 10/19/2014 10:00:00 AM

    Why is it a big deal? Do you think Montgomery Co is going to vote for Hogan because the Gazette says to? I see only 3 have commented to the paper (4, if you count 1 comments sent twice) I seriously doubt voters on the shore will be influenced by the Gazette's endorsements. I have read DT endorsements and agree with some; I have read Salisbury News endorsements and agree with some; I have read several sources of endorsements and agree with some. I will vote for my choice, be it right or wrong, knowing my choices never win and the same old crooks go back in office. At least I do vote and have for 55 years, never missing an election.

  14. 6:52, I think what we do here at Salisbury News, (for the most part) is deliver you information so that YOU can make an EDUCATED decision.

    Take the County Executive, for example. We have delivered almost a half a year worth of detailed and documented information.

    Do you hear of ANY Liberal coming out IN SUPPORT of Rick Pollitt and his spending practices? How about the Board of Education???

    Do they not come out every single time and tell you "IT IS FOR THE CHILDREN.

    I'm sure we'll share some endorsements but more importantly I hope all of you are happy with the fact that we are delivering you factual and documented information in order to help you make a better and more educated decision.

  15. Joe you are the lone voice for and of the people. It is hard to be in the position you are in when the "system" is designed to destroy those who oppose them. You do deliver many truths that are only seen here on your blog. Your work is appreciated by many and feared by those who know they are not doing the people's work.

  16. The Despicable Times does not endorse Pollitt's guy for whom he is county chairman (Brown) but did endorse Pollitt. The two are cut from the same mold. Can you display lack of credibility any more blatantly?

  17. I think Pollitt got the endorsement of the Daily Slime because he has been a bureaucrat so long the BS just oozes out of his pores. Culver isn't a career politician or bureaucrat and stumbles over his words sometimes. Obviously the "Editorial Board" couldn't tell the difference between smooth BS and plain spoken, heart felt words. 4 more years of Pollitt for a total of 12 years - William Donald Schaefer must be laughing because thanks to Pollitt, Schaefer's description of the Shore is alive and well. SMH


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