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Friday, October 03, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: Fruitland Intermediate Student Arrested

A Student from Fruitland Intermediate School was placed in handcuffs and taken away in a Police vehicle. 

At this time we do not have details but we're told there was around three police vehicles at the School. 

More to come...


  1. Anyone have anymore details? Dr doom will sweep this one .

  2. Probably bit his sandwich into the shape of a gun...

  3. Don't laugh,7:49 could be right.

  4. 7:49 Don't be so sure....these kids now are already stealing and fighting in elementary school...

  5. Have a heart people! Everything is not always as it seems. Instead of assuming the worst, say a.prayer!

  6. Schools do everything possible to keep discipline problems in house. There are counselors, in school suspension people, home school liaisons and countless others paid to help kids who are out of control. When the police are called, it's nothing anybody in the school system wanted to have happen.

  7. Kid shot another kid with a rubber band, so he was arrested for assault.

  8. How many cops does it take to handle a 12 year old kid?
    Was he bigger then them? lol.....

  9. With the new state laws, and the rewritten county rules, the kids have to do something serious to get into trouble. They can do just about anything and get away with it now. The dress code is practically gone, kids walking around with cellphones out and headphones on. The administrators are ignoring the rules because they are "tired of dealing with it" anymore.

  10. I can say bringing a live bullet to middle school doesnt even lead to this drastic of a measure. What a shame

  11. He said "bless you" to a sneezing fellow student.

  12. Still waiting to hear more details please

  13. Kid to kid in Fruitland... a boy (remain nameless) at the Fruitland Kids Night Out took one of the give away bicycles.
    Story as I was told... A FIS kid asked his buddies to hold his ticket while he went to go get a drink. He came back and they told him he won. He gave girl the ticket before they realized it wasnt a winner he was riding off. Didnt realize they were trying to stop him as he rode away. I was told "His buddies framed him. Just mess'n around and they cuffed him and took him down."
    Idk... You know how gossip goes!


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