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Tuesday, October 14, 2014

BREAKING: Ebola Nurse's Boyfriend Reportedly Symptomatic, Hospitalized

An email sent out to the Alcon staff by its CEO reportedly said that the ebola nurse’s boyfriend was admitted into hospital with “Ebola-like symptoms.”

Gotnews.com has received word from two different Alcon employees, both of whom asked not to be identified.

Alcon’s U.S. headquarters are in Fort Worth, Texas. It is an opthomological pharmaceutical company.



  1. President Ebola strikes again.

  2. Oh no. So sad! What a shame. Please stop airline travel to & from West Africa!

  3. I call him president obola. No CAPS. Only relevant persons are capitalized.

  4. So, if as the CDC states, that a person is not contagious until they begin to show symptoms; how is it that the nurse's boyfriend is showing signs already?? Surely, she would have diagnosed herself as soon as she noticed she was sick and avoided contact with her partner??

  5. Good question 2:58. It could be that Ebola is more variable than previously thought and is mutating readily. This would mean that there are many different strains of Ebola, even within the body of a single infected person.
    The bottom line is that it should have never ever made it to the US, had proper safeguards been in place. The fault lies exclusively on the back of Obama and I hope to God that the voters take it out on the democrat party from the federal level on down to the local levels.
    It's time to get to the business of repairing the major damage the democrats have done to this county.

  6. First it was one.....then another.....now two.....

    Thanks dumba&& president and all the dumbocrats that voted for him.


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