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Monday, October 20, 2014

Bowe Bergdahl 'deserter' investigation is complete - but verdict will not be determined until after November's elections

The Army completed its investigation last week into Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl's disappearance from a base in Afghanistan five years ago, but the Pentagon said Tuesday that it doesn't know when the report will be released.

'The investigating officer has done his work, but now that work is moving through the Army system, and at each stop ... there will ... be questions, requirements for clarification,' Army Colonel Steve Warren told reporters.

'So it's working its way through the system as would any other investigation.'

The results of the Army's probe into whether Bergdahl deserted his post will most certainly be withheld from the public until after November's elections, if it discloses its findings at all.



  1. Yes, it would look bad for the current administration to have a US Soldier shot for desertion, and aiding the enemy! Exactly what the investigation will be proving, he is a traitor!

  2. That answers all questions in my book. The Dems are in damage control, and can't afford another expose of their total incompetence.

    No wonder here.


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