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Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Blow by blow, Ferguson cop's FULL version of why he shot Michael Brown

'Incredibly strong' teen pressed gun to cop's hip, the gun was jammed by a finger - and kill shot was fired as Brown 'charged'

A Missouri police officer's full account of why he shot dead unarmed teen Michael Brown has been revealed for the first time - and he describes a frantic struggle inside his police car during which Brown grabbed his, twisted it around and pointed it at him - making him fear for his life.

Darren Wilson's testimony runs contrary to most eye-witness accounts and significantly makes the claim that Brown, 18, charged him after the initial struggle and never raised his arms in surrender.

Wilson, 28, paints a picture of an officer in distress during the afternoon of August 8 as a belligerent Brown, who was 6-foot-4 and nearly 300lb, tried to steal his sidearm and turn the weapon against him.

Further compounding Wilson's version of events was the revelation that Brown had marijuana in his system when he was shot. The police also say Brown had marijuana on him at the time of his fatal run-in with Officer Wilson.


1 comment:

  1. It would appear that it was a good shoot. Brown was 6' 4" and 300 pounds struggling with a cop trying to take his gun. That was Browns weapon too use the officers own gun against him. I imagine anyone would be in fear of their life just seeing a guy this size coming after them. The big problem is his partner in crime lied about the whole incident to start with.


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