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Friday, October 24, 2014

Black disappointment with Obama threatens Democrats

MIAMI — Black voters’ disappointment with President Barack Obama, who they so eagerly embraced for so many years, could be costly on Election Day to Democrats, who badly need a big African-American turnout to win Senate and gubernatorial races in key states.

Instead, many African-Americans see an unemployment rate well above the national average, continuing problems with crime in many neighborhoods, and a president more interested in trying to help other voting blocs that didn’t give him such unwavering support.

He talks about same-sex marriage in a nod to the gay and lesbian community. He discusses immigration and its benefits, an issue particularly important to the Latino community. He fights for equal pay, a vital issue to the women Democrats so avidly court.

The black community, which gave Obama support like no other group, too often doesn’t see the investment paying off.

“People in this community just don’t think anything is going to change,” said Akua Scott, a Miami-based labor organizer.


Read more here: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2014/10/23/244420_black-disappointment-with-obama.html?rh=1#storylink=cpy

1 comment:

  1. Gotta hand it to the dems. Their false promises and flat out laws got their black/white prodigy elected but what did they think would really happen? They blew it for years to come. Thank goodness!


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