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Saturday, October 11, 2014

Angry protesters target ‘wealthy’ whites; vandalize home, burn US flags, assault reporter, call for officer’s death

The streets of Ferguson were literally on fire Thursday night with protesters chanting for the death of Officer Darren Wilson, the cop who fatally shot Michael Brown. They also vandalized homes, committed assaults, blocked traffic and threw knives at police. This is hot on the heels of the shooting of a black teen with a lengthy criminal record on Wednesday.

Police say felon Vonderrit D. Myers fired 3 shots at a white office before being shot and killed. Myers’ parents maintain that he was unarmed at the time of the shooting but Myers’ had a felony gun conviction on his record and was wearing an ankle monitor while a stolen 9mm Ruger was found at the scene.

Despite all of the evidence that the shooting was justified, the crowd in Ferguson remained undeterred. Seemingly oblivious or unconcerned with the facts of the Myers case the protesters have used this latest police shooting as a springboard to fuel more unrest.



  1. At this point trying to calm them down is useless.Poverty is somehow contributing to this whole mess,stoking a war between the haves and the have nots.Is'nt it possible that the MSM may be overstating the wealth issue in that area to fuel tension? The longer this continues the more the wealth vs poverty disparity grows.I for one am suspicious.

  2. the logical conclusion of the entitlement society

  3. Since the flag represents our country I don't see why burning it doesn't constitute domestic terroris.

  4. People need to learn to protect themselves and their property.

  5. 10:37 nailed it...expect to see more when the Republicans regain control of the Senate, bolster their control of the house, and override the POSPOTUS veto of welfare reform!

    Close the borders, cut welfare to minimum subsistence level (choose between the iPhone and food), means test for financial as well as physical abilities, and make the physically able go to work and do the stuff the illegals were doing. They'll revolt - and the government in its own heavy-handed way, will shoot them...problem solved!

  6. I say its time for the civil war to begin....why should we have to take this without recourse?

  7. It is a conflict between the motivated hard working individuals and the lazy parasites in the community.

  8. that's the one taboo subject no one wants to discuss - that blacks are more prejudiced than whites. I don't blame the blacks for hating on the whites before Jim Crow finally ended but since they are nothing more than welfare fodder, they have grown more and more angry. Yep, just keep sweeping the topic under the rug.

  9. WOW for real and they spend Millions of tracking and babysitting sex offenders who committed their crimes over 15 years ago in some cases and rebuilt their lives. And here we have a VIOLENT Career Criminal walking the streets under supervision of a ankle bracelet and carrying a stolen gun ???? Where is the VIOLENT CRIMINAL REGISTRIES at ??? Makes you wonder if the S.O.R. is so successful at the costs of it. Why do we not expand it to include other type of Violent Criminals so we can protect our families and police from these type of criminals. Think about this . This person could have walked into any public school with a gun and been allowed to enter as he is on NO lost and shoot the place up. Have you all ever thought that these terrorist groups entering into our country do not think about hiring and recruiting these thugs and then they have legal citizens with violent records and no list to stop them from sitting up nightmare shootings in our schools while at the same time preventing a registered sex offender who maybe pissed in the alley and or had sex with a person a little younger then them and got put on list can't enter a school to pick up their own kids. When was the list time you heard where a sex offender entered ANY school and caused a issue. While at the same time how many person with no records has entered schools and shot them up. SO Yes ANNAPOLIS where are the other VIOLENT REGISTRIES at ? Are is it you all know they are worthless and do not work ??

  10. This is what happens when a Government feeds generation after generation for doing absolutely nothing to earn their way through life. These people were stripped of their honor , pride and integrity and have become slaves to the Government.


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