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Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Al Sharpton Repeats Whatever a Conservative Said In the Form of a Question

MSNBC’s Al Sharpton conducts a standard analysis for conservatives and Republicans on his heavily partisan program: Repeat word-for-word whatever clip of them just played on PoliticsNation, but do it in the form of a question.

He does this a lot, apparently to show disdain for whatever he heard without having to go through the effort of coming up with new terminology.

Sharpton once did this to himself. After he read out a statement by Texas gubernatorial candidate Greg Abbott that concluded, “It’s time to move beyond this,” Sharpton then said, “It’s time to move beyond this?”



  1. He is dumb as a brick , what do you expect.
    The Rev. Al , that's also a joke.

  2. 10 years ago he would be in jail for impersonating a clergy person for false tax exemptions and terrorist threats against the nation.

  3. Probably repeating it because he has problems understanding it. Stupidity or hearing-impaired???

  4. 7:35 - be nice to bricks - they make houses look good - and sometimes streets!

  5. He's as dumb as they come! His knowledge of the English Language is atrocious. The only reason I can think of as to why he continues to remain on TV is to amuse conservatives and relate to liberals.


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