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Sunday, October 26, 2014

A Letter To The Editor: Too Many Local Cops On Facebook


I have been seeing a lot of sheriff's deputies on Facebook rallying for the collective bargaining and blasting the aclu calling them the American criminal liars union. All this while on duty. The F.O.P president Martin fisher is currently on Facebook and has posted three items today alone. I feel the deputies need not be on social media sites for personal agendas on the clock. Their wants not needs should be dealt with on their own time and dime not ours.


  1. How do you know they are on duty? There are different shifts, some may be off during the day and making comments off the clock.

    Get a picture of one posting from their phone/computer while on duty and then you have something.

    I am not a deputy or someone that even cares about this, just saying, be like joe and bring the evidence.

    1. I'm sure by now all leos are erasing their posts.

  2. Hmmmm interesting. I noticed also that a certain employee of a lower shore states attorneys office has a penchant for bashing and endorsing candidates on facebook during office hours.

  3. FaceBook trolls. You all are too funny. You have too much time on your hands,

  4. "Anonymous said...
    FaceBook trolls. You all are too funny. You have too much time on your hands,

    October 23, 2014 at 10:01 AM"

    It's an internship. This is how we are supposed to spend our days.

  5. Hmmmm interesting since they are not on duty.

  6. Martin Fisher only works days. He works out of the Child Advocacy Center located in the States Attorney Building.

  7. If you don't want to see what cops post, you don't have to.

  8. You can't take facebook away from officers, what will they during their shift?

  9. Cops are private citizens off duty and can say what they want on facebook. The 1st Amendment covers cops too.

  10. Deputies are becoming a joke, just talk to most of them, they are arrogant, have huge egos and don't feel they should be held accountable for anything. The cost the County more then they save.

  11. They are stupid.

    They enforce statutory laws which are unconstitutional.

    Learn about Common Law.

    Wake up idiots.

    Defend the constitution or get out of the office.

  12. Three times a day would constitute 2 breaks and a lunch. Ever think about that?

  13. They might as well do that, they do very little else. Just have a problem and call them, they will never get back to you and no followup on the problem.. Mike you need to get on this problem of your staff. I am all for the police making more money and better benefits but.......first they need to do their job to earn it.

  14. Why is it that other employers have the right to discipline employees for comments on social media and the cops can do whatever they want? Oh, right, I forgot...they are "above the law"!

  15. 5:56PM Oct. 23
    You cite 1st Amendment rights and seem to support the Constitution., for LE.
    However consider this, how often do these same cops, that you defend, trample that same Constitution?
    The Constitution is attached to ALL Americans, not just LE. Perhaps you should consider the "goose and gander" axiom before you spout rhetoric.

  16. Get a life. They are citizens and have a right to express their political opinions. Can you say you have never taken a break at work and hopped on your cell phone at work? Right.


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