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Wednesday, October 01, 2014

A Letter To The Editor: Senator Mathias and the Rain Tax

The O'Malley, Brown administration has made Maryland the topic of many a national joke when they decided to pass a tax on rain. Senator Mathias and his staff continually state that the senator voted
against the Rain Tax. And that is true. But, when you dig a little deeper you will find that before the senator voted against this tax, he voted "for it" by voting for Cloture. The conservatives held the floor and mounted a filibuster to stop passage of the Rain Tax bill, but Senator Mathias voted with the liberals to shut down the debate and override the filibuster. Then, an amendment was offered by the conservatives to place a sunset provision on the tax so that it would have to be brought back to the Assembly for renewal. Without a new authorization, the Rain Tax would have died, but again, Senator Mathias voted with the liberals against this amendment. On the surface it appears that the senator voted against the Rain Tax, but did he really? Senator Mathias portrays himself as a conservative but according to www.liberaljim.com, his voting record is anything but conservative. He votes for higher taxes and more regulation. He supports centralize medicine (the failed Maryland Health Care Exchanged), centralized education (common core). These are not conservative values.

F. Gebhart
Berlin, MD


  1. Let me add this. He did the same thing with Gay Marriage.

  2. Jim is given a "pass" from the Dems due to his District being so conservative. But if it came down to a win or lose measure for the Dems Jim would vote with them. Jim is anything but conservative.

  3. He needs to be voted out! Call him whatever you want - his actions tell the tale.

  4. More wily behavior from a complete buffoon who does not deserve to represent the people. We all know how hour deadbeat politicians operate. Thanks again Jim for making our state the laughing stock of the nation. After all, "you're always working for us." Give me a break. How can you live with yourself or even look in the mirror?

  5. champion of oppressed union employees by day, former pool-hall operator by night........

  6. Yesterday afternoon, about 5:45 pm, a woman in an SUV with "Jim Mathias, Senate" depicted prominently on her passenger side door was blocking eastbound Rt 50 traffic at the Mill Street intersection. While she sat there, she was chatting away on a hand-held cell phone. I realize that Mr. Matthias cannot be held responsible for all actions of his campaign staff and/or family, but it would be nice if those folks would attempt to obey the laws of this state while advertising Mr. Matthias' campaign.

  7. "Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Jim is given a "pass" from the Dems due to his District being so conservative. But if it came down to a win or lose measure for the Dems Jim would vote with them. Jim is anything but conservative.

    October 1, 2014 at 9:21 AM"

    Exactly. The funny thing is you have ignorant twits like JT saying Mathias is willing to work across party lines-LOL. No wonder JT's not ever amounted to much-he's clueless and has no idea how things work in the real world.

  8. Jim Mathias does not represent our values and should not be our voice in the Senate.

    Please vote for Mike McDermott. He will stand with us and represents what we believe in.


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