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Monday, October 27, 2014

7 Signs You Don't Make Enough Money

If you are constantly struggling to make ends meet, you may be facing a combination of problems. It can be frustrating to be in a financial rut and not be able to find a way out. You may think that you make decent money, but you are still struggling each month. You may be overspending or you may not make enough money. You may be overspending while not making enough to cover your basic needs. This can lead to real trouble. If you do not make enough to cover your bills, you will need to take steps now to increase your income. Even if you feel like you are too poor to budget, a budget can help you get back on track, and you can use these strategies to help you cope with being poor. Learn seven signs that you do not make enough money.

1. You Are Using Your Credit Cards Every Month

One of the biggest signs that you have an income issue is that you are using credit cards towards the end of the month to cover all of your expenses. If you are running out of money during the month, or you are using credit cards to help you manage between paychecks, then you are most likely facing an income issue. You need to find a way to stop using your credit cards

2. You Run Out of Money at the Beginning of the Month

Every now and then, you can have a bad month where everything is super tight the last week or so. However, if you are struggling to make ends meet after the fifth of the month, then you are most likely facing an income crisis. This is a strong indicator of an income crisis, because it demonstrates that there is not as much overspending going on. If you are barely able to pay your bills and you do not have enough left over to eat on, then you are not making enough money.


  1. Who writes this idiotic stuff.
    Like I didn't know I do not make enough?
    But I can not even snag a part time job running a cash register in the beer store down the street because I am either over qualified or not qualified to press buttons and make change.
    I would be better served to walk away from it all and go on welfare.

  2. I get paid on the last day of each month.With that check I pay everything I owe on the first day of the following month which is the day after I get paid.I usually have around $1200 left after paying everything.That's for entertainment.

  3. $1200 left over each month? Impressive. I'm in the wrong business :-(

  4. #8
    The girl in the checkout line in front of you is able to buy more nicer groceries with her WIC card.

  5. 4:43, And pulls away in a new Mercedes.

  6. Seems like a list that should say "People who tries to live at higher costs than they make or can't budget." I see some people saying that they can't afford food or can't pay a bill so much. Why do they have a new 2014 car or a expensive jewelry ,or coach bags.

  7. Did you put this post on here for Ricky Pollitt?


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