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Monday, October 20, 2014

10 Rules For Better Manners That Every Guy Should Commit To Memory

Manners are a way of behaving toward others. We could all use a manners refresher. The following are ten basics of manners.

1. Anytime you ride in the car with a woman, you need to open the door for her.

2. When you want something, say 'please'.

3. When you get something, say 'thank you'.



  1. And always use your blinker even if yours is the only car on the road,just to keep in the habit.It's called courtesy.

  2. Not so sure about the "blinker" comment, but otherwise good advice for a person living in the 1950's America.

    These basic mores are no longer valid. We live in the post modern era. Women are our leaders and we need to accept their superiority over men.

    They certainly don't want men to open doors etc

  3. Women are now the superior gender because we no longer live in a "hunter / gatherer type of society".

  4. 839/840, I totally disagree, but good luck with that.

    No one is "superior" just because of sex or any other condition except intelligence; an attribute available to everyone.

  5. The folks that really need to read this and act accordingly are the uncivil democrats on the dole....the entitlist teat-suckers that produce no benefit to proper society.

    If they did half of these things, some folks would not be able to detect they are on the government handout.

    Use your blinker, don't park in front of no-parking signs...or handicap spots without a handicap person in the car...it's called integrity!


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