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Saturday, September 06, 2014

Wanna Renounce Your U.S. Citizenship? It’s Gonna Cost You More.

If you wanna go the way of Tina Turner and formally renounce your U.S. citizenship, you have less than a week to pay the rate the famous diva would have last year.

Beginning Sept. 12, the State Department is increasing fivefold the fee it charges Americans to cut ties with the (overtaxed?) land of the free. It used to cost $450 to go through the lengthy process of permanently leaving the United States. It will now cost $2,350 to officially hand over your U.S. passport.

In announcing the fee change last week, State described the process as “extremely costly,” including two “intensive interviews” where the consular officer ensures that the American “fully understands the consequences of renunciation.” (No more apple pie and baseball games.)



  1. What a rip-off! Now only the wealthy can renounce citizenship? "America- Love it because you can't afford to leave it"

  2. No one in their right might would renounce their U.S. citizenship anyway. Yes, I do love it and would never, ever leave it, just don't love who is sitting in the drivers seat right now.

  3. Treasonous bitch,i will NEVER listen to her music again.

  4. millions of people have died for the privilege of being American.

  5. 11:35AM Paul you obviously don't know that much about her situation. FYI, she's been living in Küsnacht Switzerland since 1986 and has married a Swiss/German music exec Erwin Bach. She's got no reason to retain her US citizenship.

  6. Many Americans living abroad are frustrated by U.S. tax laws that require them to still pay the Internal Revenue Service on salaries earned in other countries. A 2010 law, the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, sought to crack down harder by requiring foreign banks to report on American accounts. It was intended to make it more difficult for tax-evading Americans to hide money in offshore accounts.

    People are sure to be upset. But the new fee is chump change for the very wealthy compared to the potential tax savings, right?

    Sounds like it is more of a charge to be an american than a privilege.

  7. I wonder what would happen if there were no nations, no flags, no borders. Just people living on the earth. No matter which part of it you stand on, the earth is still all of ours home.

    We pollute it, we destroy it, we bomb it, we poison it. Just because it may be shipped to another part of the earth than where we are, our home the earth, is still being damaged.

    We are not wise housekeepers.


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