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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Walmart Faults Tracy Morgan for Not Wearing Seat Belt During Car Accident

After being blamed for the actions of a fatigued driver on the road, Walmart also tells a judge that it won't "admit or deny" allegations without confidentiality

On Monday, Walmart delivered its answer in a New Jersey federal court to 30 Rock actorTracy Morgan's lawsuit arising from a six-car accident on the New Jersey Turnpike. Among nine affirmative defenses, Walmart says that injuries "were caused, in whole or in part, by plaintiffs' failure to properly wear an appropriate available seatbelt restraint device."

Morgan was among several people injured who are now suing Walmart for negligence.

In particular, their lawsuit filed in July questions whether Walmart driver Kevin Roper was fatigued at the time of the crash. According to the suit, Roper had commuted 700 miles from his home in Jonesboro, Ga., to a Walmart facility in Smyrna, Del., before beginning his shift.



  1. School bus children are at fault too,..???

  2. and walmart would be correct.

  3. School buses without seatbelts,why am I ticketed if I don't wear one?The law doesn't get more bias than that.

  4. @12:16 A school bus does not have any seatbelts available - unlike a limo! Laws are laws - and yes seat belts do prevent alot of injuries! All parties (Morgan, Walmart, and the driver) involved were NEGLIGENT!

  5. Actually the only person negligent is the walmart driver....had he not crashed then the story is over. Walmart doesnt own their trucks they are leased. Walmart had no knowledge this was going to happen...


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