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Friday, September 26, 2014

Victim of fox attack undergoing rabies shots: ‘The pain is more than you could ever imagine’

Virginia Beach, Va. – For Cathy Higginbotham, returning to the West Neck community where she works isn’t easy after what happened to her Friday night.

“My heart races just coming in here,” she told NewsChannel 3.

It was around 7:40 p.m. She had just finished cleaning one of the condos on Crescent Moon Ct. when a fox jumped out from underneath her truck and bit her foot.

“All I was doing was opening it [the truck] up and putting my vacuum in. I pulled my foot out and I was shaking it like this and it was hanging off.”



  1. That pain will put you on your knees. I know.

  2. I know of a family who had to get them a few years ago and they said, (even the child) that the series of like 5 shots weren't bad at all.
    I also have a friend who is a nurse practioner and just a few years ago, in her nearly 40 yr career had to give rabies shots for the first time. She was a nervous wreck and barely slept the night before. She said it was a breeze and the family including several children said it wasn't anything which relieved her greatly.
    I think it has a lot to do with one's pain tolerance.


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