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Sunday, September 14, 2014

This was taken today on South Division St


  1. Too funny, I love it.

  2. Looks like a good start!!!

  3. Common criminal activity. This is really disgusting.

  4. It's not criminal. Its justified. Thank you Robin Hood!!!!

  5. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Common criminal activity. This is really disgusting.

    September 8, 2014 at 10:00 AM

    Speed cameras? Yes, they are pretty common and criminal.

  6. some thug, steal a cop car and ram these things

  7. The parties involved could be charged with vandalism and are LTAO along with you. Lets see how hard you laugh when they are having lots of fun.. and turn that spray can toward your car or front door, When you deface others property it is a crime, and in the case pictured costing tax papers money. You yokels yell and scream about wasting tax payer dollars and then think because "oh it was a speed camera no big deal". Every time the speed camera is sprayed or broken it will be fixed so what has been accomplished. The nearby security cameras will soon take the smirk off your faces

  8. NOT. a nice way to talk about the mayor.

  9. Keep up the good work .

  10. Aw... Is that the mayors name.

  11. Nice try...no cameras watching

  12. People are sick and tired of all the stupid laws and especially these money making (for profit) speed cams. The people don't want them and they don't need them so I suggest getting rid of them.

  13. Stay out of Fruitland they have a new boss and SHE IS A QUEEN from Nina Lane!! LOL

  14. The nearby security camera's will also be fair game to spraying. Enough is enough with speed cameras and red light cameras. It's nothing more that revenue enhance disguised as "protecting our children" BS!!!!
    How about a paintball gun with a scope?

  15. Just the usual disrespectful behavior from your Little Darlings of SU. Don't ever wonder why police officers crack their skulls.

  16. Simple solution to not being affected by these cameras is to not go that much over the speed limit. If you are stupid enough to go 12mph over the speed limit then you deserve a ticket and I'm glad that you had to pay some extra money for it. That's just a little less money the rest of us saved in taxes.

  17. They need to put one of those cameras on Snow Hill Road and Toadvine (near Allen Memorial Baptist Church). People illegally pass on the right heading into Salisbury all the time as they don’t have the patience to wait for an individual to make a left-hand turn onto Toadvine Road. The county would make a lot of money off of those individuals. One day there will be a serious accident there.

  18. 2:17 Get back in your Police Cruiser and go write some seatbelt tickets or Pepper Spray a college kid!

  19. 2:17 if you do go pepper spraying college kids please pick me up. Sounds beyond fun. Waaa Waaa it goes away lol safer then clubbing them. That leaves marks.

  20. I see cops speeding through the cameras all the time. Obviously, they are meant to confine ordinary citizens.

  21. Looks as though the taxpayers have struck again.

    I remember the last time this happened on College Avenue and I also noticed the public was outraged by the shear volume of comments on SBYnews.

    What I do not understand is why our elected County officials let these contraptions be installed in the first place.

    Shame on you County Council!!! Why did you screw the public.

  22. They are there for a purpose---
    if you can't abide by them--
    get off the streets!

    I finally feel a bit safer traveling Beaglin Pk drive & other
    places in town with the speed cameras in force. More
    power to them!!

    Just remember---when they deface
    them----the responsibility then
    goes to the TAX Payers of the County. Remember that the next
    time you see one being painted!

    Obey the speed laws---It's that
    simple !

  23. These cameras are inherently inaccurate, and it is usually provable! Do your measuring and math, and see what I mean!

  24. They should have wrapped a chain around it and ripped it off its mounts and destroyed it! They could also douse it in gas and burn them! Great job Robin Hood!!!

  25. 2:43 PM - They should have widened the frickin road. Quit complaining. oh boo hoo, I went around you on the right.

    I bet you pull way off to the right before you turn left just to be a turd.

  26. Please, please do more. So tired of being watched everywhere I turn. Thank you so much for watching out for the small guy.

  27. One day there will be a serious accident there.

    September 8, 2014 at 2:43 PM

    don't make a left there and hold up traffic. idiots going into Nutters are the traffic hazard.

  28. To 5:00 PM Posting that said;
    They are there for a purpose---
    if you can't abide by them--
    get off the streets!

    My response: What planet are you from!!! Don't you realize the unfairness of extracting wealth by ambushing and bushwhacking the average Joe Blow citizen. You can't issue 400 tickets a day and think that it won't effect the community. In essence - it is a license to steal. I congratulate the Robin Hoods of this community - and sincerely hope that our officials remove them like they did in downtown Salisbury.

  29. Responding to 8:54 Posting - It sounds as though 5:00 PM poster is one of the County officials that helped to approve the device. In which case, I feel he should resign or be recalled.

  30. To 8:54 Poster about extracting wealth from the community.

    I agree, the camera advocates went around stating how they were good revenue generating devices citing revenues enhancers. All the time the only revenue beneficiaries are those who lobbied for these contraptions.

    I agree with your assessment - had a full blown economic impact statement been done it would have clearly shown that it was to the demise of the average taxpayer. The government has essentially invoked a license to steal.

    The sooner these devices are removed the better off the public will be.

  31. Love it....do more...


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