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Thursday, September 04, 2014

The Sentence That Can Make Anyone A Leader

"Pick me!"

Leadership isn't a gift from birth or a trait few possess. It's the willingness to step up and assume responsibility when others don't or won't.

Take, for instance, the situation in England right now where doctors at the University of Oxford seek brave souls to test an ebola vaccine. The deadly disease has already killed more than 1,500 people in West Africa. That's why the medical community needs willing participants to come forward and say the one sentence that changes everything.
"I'll do it."

Once a person takes on the responsibility — and removes the burden from others — the dynamic in the group shifts. Implicitly, the ebola volunteer transforms from a face in the crowd into someone much greater: a genuine leader others respect.

Leadership isn't a gift from birth. It's the willingness to assume responsibility when others don't.


1 comment:

  1. Go to west Africa there's plenty test participants.


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