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Sunday, September 07, 2014

Teaching While Black

Patrick McLaw is an Eastern Shore Teacher/Author who is now undergoing "mental health treatment" after Sheriff Mike Lewis made claims there MAY HAVE BEEN inappropriate relations with an underage student. 

Sheriff Lewis claims he is not targeting Patrick based on his published FICTIONAL books about school shootings. Patrick states that he has a hobby of making miniatures, cruise ships, planes and yes, even buildings. He claims that the building was Sheriff Lewis' only interest, yet the Sheriff claims Patrick is not being targeted for ANYTHING other than an alleged complaint about an underage student, (how convenient).

Look, the man was hired knowing he had written the FICTIONAL books. He is not a GHOST writer. Neighbors say Patrick is a really decent guy.
“Within hours, we received information of perhaps an inappropriate relationship involving a student so we had some concerns,” said Sheriff Mike Lewis. “We have a duty and a responsibility to look into these concerns.” 

WITHIN HOURS, within hours of WHAT? So you are saying you were INVESTIGATING something else and then all of a sudden, "within hours" something about a student popped up. Do tell us just what you were investigating BEFORE you claimed it was about the student. I mean, Mike, "Teaching While Black" comes to mind because something sounds VERY fishy.

The man WORKS in Dorchester County. Yes, he lives in Salisbury but one would THINK that IF anything had happened with an alleged student, the Sheriff in Dorchester County would be investigating it and NOT Mike Lewis.

It reminds me a LOT of the Delaware phone call I received in Delaware. It was a Delaware number received in Delaware, yet the SPD did the investigation. GOOD OL' BOYS. Even the Chief of Police Barbara Duncan ADMITTED everything was done in Delaware, where it is ILLEGAL to do a phone spoof. So why a SPD investigation?

So do tell me why Mike Lewis is investigating this case. Do tell me why it has made NATIONAL news. This too reminds me of the Thomas Leggs case where the Sheriff CLAIMED he had DNA evidence to PROVE Thomas Leggs had murdered Sarah Foxwell. While spending TONS of money paid for by Wicomico County Taxpayers for a trial Lewis claimed he had enough evidence for the DEATH PENALTY, HE HAD NONE, NOTHING. Once the Judge called them out on it, AMAZING how they convinced the Foxwell Family to settle for a plea deal. 

Maybe Sheriff Lewis should come back to work FULL TIME in the Sheriff's Office instead of traveling around the country doing seminars that pay him HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of dollars per year. His words, NOT MINE. If the WCSO actually had a full time leader, perhaps the crime rate in Wicomico County wouldn't be through the roof. Hey, how dare I challenge the living legend though, eh?


  1. I don't get where the minature buildings come into play

  2. I wondered why the reporter didn't ask him any questions on tv. Your question is valid. News media is worthless any more. They just deliver what big brother wants you to hear.

  3. Yep if he were here working full time, maybe these worthless deputies would start doing their jobs.

  4. Matt, the states attorney is a puppet of Lewis, because Matt is incompetent and scared he is going to make a mistake. He does not run his office. Funny, how this guy has not been charged with anything. With a competent lawyer, Lewis will have a lot of explaining to do.

  5. Mike Lewis scares me anymore. I'm thinking there needs to be a change of the helm this time around. I have no replacement in mind, but his recent acts scare me, and if I am in fear for my life...

  6. It is indeed unfortunate when partial information and misinformation are made public before a situation is thoroughly investigated. We want our schools and students protected from harm without infringing on the rights of others. Perhaps avoiding rash judgments would be a wise course of action for all.

  7. Should be a limit to all terms in this executive type of govt wico has implemented. Boy what a mess and waste of money it has been! From ed bakers retirement pension to slick rickys 5 k plus raises when he took office to a select few.And last but not least to mackes overpaid empire over at the civic center .I wish lewis was walking with pollitt in november but i do not think it will happen.

  8. Even when he worked at Delmar HS it was Delaware. Not Wicomico county, Maryland.

  9. pissed off tax payers.September 3, 2014 at 9:16 PM

    Hey mike lewis ALL the cops on the job hate your Part time work, how Rick pollitt is allowing you to work pt and make Hundred of thousands of dollars doing speaking events is mind boggling, then again pollitt is a PT employee getting full time pay?

  10. 8:16 Maybe some speculation that the diorama's he makes of buildings are for potential plans of terrorist attacks lol

    The constitution is pushed aside for some, they are guilty until proven innocent. It appears that this young man is being singled out for some reason, is it because he has hobbies while being black?

  11. This teacher has a very good First Amendment and Defamation case against the Sheriff and State, and I hope he sticks to them despite the fact my tax dollars will be spent. Lewis is nothing more than a wolf in sheep clothing when it comes to guns. He says he won't take your guns, but he'll take your freedom. This guy should be thankful he didn't have weed on him, or Mike might have very well killed him.

  12. Lewis is nothing but a politician, tell you what he thinks you want to hear. Yeah he's tough threatening the federal government if they make attempts to alter the second amendment. He'd fold up like a cheap suit!

  13. Went to bookstore last weekend to check out his book on school shootings. Did you know that WCBOE Superintendent endorses his book. Right on the back cover is a quote by John F. Fredericksen. That app auld me!

  14. This ill probably never be published but oh well. I can not speak to this case at all I know very little about it. I wish i knew more. I do intend to read whatever I can find on the case. As for Mike lewis and thousands of others on the shore the gun issue is real. I would have to say there would be many lost souls if the feds attempt to take my rights to bear arms. The U.S. Constituion states I have a right. I dont care what anyone says to deter this I have a right. I have a right of free speech. We can not bend the constituion to suit one poltician or another.

    I know Mike the man not the Sheriff. I say he will stand tall on this conviction. He has every right to do this Joe. Your Blog is protected under the same piece of paper. I enjoy reading the diverse topics unsensored. I really do not know what happened with your views on all police in this area. I really dont.

    I know for a fact Sarah Foxwell did have that slime bucket Legg's D.N.A. on her body and inside her body period. I am close to this family i know the facts. There was many factors in him not getting the death penalty. You might want to ask Matt as to why that subhuman is still alive today.

    Joe your family had really close ties to this case and I praised your efforts then and now on what you did as a local blogger to assist in that case. Why the attack t does not make sense to me. One day I would love to pick your brain on what you really know. You are guilty as the next guy for holding back pertinent information. I think if I told you what "I" know your hair would turn white over night. You have a responsibilty to print unbiased truth. You have become tainted by something real or perseption.

    As for all the bashing of police and fire I will never understand it. Just saying. I will say I dislike Itreton more then you ever could. The city is in sad shape. This liberal stance he and Barb have taken will blow up here soon trust me on that one. The lions are in the gate. As for Mike Lewis he is the best Lawman this county has ever seen. There is no one to run against him because 80% of the county population loves him.

    You need to do some soul searching my friend. You are tainted and it shows. I do not know if you have the ability to read your old post, but I would if I were you. I like many I have spoken to lately definately like the old Joe before you attempted to become a politician yourself. Stay true to yourself and God Speed. I am sorry I dont know how you could bring up little Sarah. She was a true victim of this vile society we wade through daily.

  15. Mike Lewis is a cop and as such cannot be believed, period. He is worthy of only contempt and close scrutiny.

  16. He is a cowboy. Stopped Ray Lewis's truck when he was told to stand down to get the whole deal. Screwed up the murder case. Little man with a problem.

  17. Maybe let the investigation continue and withhold judgment until all information is in.

  18. 10:16, Wow, your message is truly powerful, thank you.

    Let me say this. Unlike ANYONE else, I know more FACTS about that case than anyone else.

    I sat there for months on end listening to testimony from BOTH sides. YES, Thomas Leggs without ANY doubt killed Sarah Foxwell, God Rest her Soul.

    HOWEVER. let me be VERY clear here. Again, Mike Lewis AND Davis Ruark did NOT, I'll repeat, DID NOT have ANY DNA evidence to PROVE he murdered Sarah Foxwell.

    Let me make this even more clear. The State of Maryland REQUIRES certain evidence to PROVE enough EVIDENCE to put someone to DEATH for the Death Penalty.


    They had to PROVE TWO out of THREE things to do so and they did not have ONE.

    Again, we ALL agree that he did it but the STATE requires TWO out of THREE and Mike Lewis and Davis Ruark didn't have ONE!

    The defense PROVED they did NOT have the proper evidence for even ONE and the honorable Judge was KIND enough to give them TWO weeks to come up with SOMETHING!

    They went to the Family and stated Joe Albero was writing a book about ALL of them and THAT is what made the Family fold and agree ti a plea deal.

    AGAIN, they had NOTHING. NOW, mind you, they did have DNA evidence to prove Leggs had RAPED poor little Sarah but NOTHING to PROVE he had murdered her.

    If this is a bit confusing, I understand and respect that. HOWEVER, I told every one of you I would NEVER get into the details of this case as I absolutely know it and I will stick to that because it is absolutely horrible.

    No one deserves to know what happened in great detail, it's that bad. Mike Lewis and others LIED to the public and yes, Mike is VERY pissed off at me because I had the balls enough to challenge him and quite frankly, it hurt his reputation. I did NOT LIE to the public, HE DID.

    If Mike Lewis EVER wants to SUE me or challenge me, he is welcome to do so. THEN and only THEN will the entire TRUTH come out. In the mean time, it's MY word against HIS. AGAIN, the day YOU can produce ANY evidence proving they had DNA evidence to prove Leggs killed Sarah, I'm all ears but believe me, I WAS THERE, there is none. Yes, he did it but there's NO DNA evidence and Lewis and Ruark LIED to the public.

    That is what the DEATH PENALTY requires and they LIED from day one.

  19. POLITICS and Lady Law make strange bedfellows. Knowing what happened and proving what happened in any case is often two different issues. I believe what Joe has said is that our legal system is perhaps the best in the world but still fraught with pitfalls. I fear that often times men with their own set of good intentions act out of a sense of what they feel is their duty without being able to differentiate between the law and their boundaries of that sworn duty. But once again... I am reminded that the only way for evil to win is for good men to do nothing. How do we make that determination between good and evil then? I pray that what is good and decent in these types of cases prevails but I shutter at the thought of just what type of justice is left in the hands of a select few to decide. The question always comes back to ..How much personal freedom do we want to give up to enable right to prevail? And who determines what is right or wrong? With our guardian officials having this much power and weight on their shoulders and people demanding results, what is to prevent corruption in the name of "doing the right thing?" I fear that I am left with too many unanswered questions.

  20. Here we go , I call it the "Salisbury Circle" , when things get a little slow in the media we do a reversal and turn against each other.
    I don't know what your problem is with this issue , but , it appears it is just a bit of jealousy . Mr. Lewis has a job to do , he is my sheriff and I believe he does it well. I don't care if he makes a million for doing what ever , you don't do to bad on this blog either , now do you?

  21. There was another case involving a teacher at a private school accused of misconduct by a student known to be a liar, promiscuous, and drug user. Just as in this case there was NO evidence produced, no witnesses (Lewis claimed he had it -- how does law enforcement get away with making such claims and not producing physical evidence? This teacher''s life was nearly destroyed but her faith and truth prevailed. Lewis' own family is testimony to his failure to lead. I started out like many supporting the guy but no more. Time for a change.

  22. Someone needs to ask Lewis what he was disciplined for while with MSP- very enlightening especially to the so called community he serves. Maybe David Moore needs to check this out.

  23. It is possible that an inappropriate act with a student occurred in Wicomico Co instead of Dorchester, in that case Sheriff Lewis would be the appropriate jurisdiction to investigate. Rather than leap to conclusions I am willing to see what the result of the investigation is.

  24. 7:37, Of course it's possible. However, Mike never said so in his multiple interviews. Nor did ANY reporter challenge him with ANY questions. This is why Mike and Barbara are so afraid of Joe Albero. I might actually ask the tough questions and their chins are way too soft. After all, when you are in fights where only they throw the punches and they've never been hit back, the chin gets very soft, especially when your guard is down.

    Would Mike Lewis like to sit side by side with me on PAC14 and openly discuss the Thomas Leggs case?

    1. Joe he would instigate a fight wth you so he could tazer you.

  25. This is too scary. Mr. McLaw has made a statement from a mental health facility where he is being held against his will that sounded very coherent and sane. He needs to be released immediately and be represented by a good lawyer.

    I am now in fear for my life from the actions of our local law enforcement.

  26. Mikey is at it AGAIN. He needs to worry more about his own business and home life and leave everyone else alone. Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. I for one am so sick and tired of Mikey he will do anything, include lie over and over just as he did in Federal Court some year back, just as long as he can see himself in the local media. One day the citizens of Wicomico County will wake up and see Mikey for what he is... As far as Sarah Foxwell (May she rest in peace) truth be told Mikey knew from the beginning where to look for her from the phone pings but yet waited til Christmas Day for the heart warming headlines of finding her. Mikey your a loser do the citizens a favor and leave office. I mean your only there 2 or 3 days a month anyway. Unless the media is around of course.

  27. 7:58, Let me just set the record straight. Mike knew where Sarah was Christmas Eve. Now, the rest of you can figure out why there was a search on Christmas Day.

    1. Where not. All as smart joe please explain.

  28. Confused by the "Teachng while black" headline, Joe. Are you saying Mr. McLaw was singled out because he was black? Because nothing in the article refers to that at all. I heard he sent a letter to school officials in which he sounded suicidal and perhaps a bit threatening toward others. Also that he had been having an inappropriate relationship with a student. All rumors maybe, but no one has mentioned his skin color at all!

  29. What does being black have to do with this case? NOTHING.

  30. Joe, I don't get it??? Why was a search conducted on Christmas Day if Mike knew where her body was the previous day???

  31. 8:23, I don't know, you tell me. You tell me/us why WCSO is investigating the entire thing and not Dorchester County. I can tell you that the actions of Mike Lewis as of late have been extremely questionable. ANYONE who gets so out of control that NO ONE will challenge him tells me he is in a KINGDOM and not Wicomico County. Guilty before innocent. Don't forget the Alex Guerrero incident, "driving while black".

    Remember one thing here. It is ONLY Salisbury News that will question and challenge the powers to be. When Davis Ruark was in a forum to run again for States Attorney, it was only ME that had the stones to bring up his DUI. Not one of the other MSM members on that panel asked the big question and the crowd got ticked off at me for even ASKING the most obvious question of all. Ruark calmed them down by saying, "it's a fair question".

    Again, it all goes back to, why is Mike Lewis investigating a Dorchester County investigation. You never heard Mike Lewis say, we're concerned for the man's safety, IF in fact the letter seemed suicidal. The letter was sent to the Board of Ed in DORCHESTER COUNTY.

    Funny how NONE of the local media questioned that. Or should I say, how convenient.

  32. 8:47, Too many people, (on their own) were out searching for Sarah. In order to assure NO ONE came anywhere near the actual site she was located, a very orchestrated plan was put together to keep EVERY ONE away from the area Sarah was located, assuring it would not be contaminated.

  33. 7:58 I know what you say is the truth about this.

  34. it could be political or he is just a sick individual that wanted other people to see the body or both.

  35. The guy isn't charged with any crime. He was removed from his teaching position. A guy using numerous aliases, writing letters that made people questioning his sanity, his harassment of a student, and a variety of other issues which are not public yet made them take the guy away from a school setting. It's completely appropriate. Let's not have a person who has mental issues (and who may be violent) teach kids.

    Considering what he wrote in his letter, it's appropriate for him to get a psych evaluation. If the professionals find him OK, then he'll be released.

    The guy probably isn't a criminal, but he shouldn't be teaching. I can't believe people are taking up the case for this troubled guy to be in our schools.

  36. 9:06, I know COPS that shouldn't be COPS either. I'm NOT saying this guy shouldn't be removed from the School, not at all. What I have said from the very beginning is, WHY IS THE WCSO INVESTIGATING A DORCHESTER COUNTY INVESTIGATION. Do you get it now?

  37. It's getting really scary. My son's son's first home work assignment was a question air from the school asking each of us our opinion of our child's personality traits. I guess they are looking at my child as a potential terrorist based on the answers!!!

  38. Just maybe there is a very good reason why just everyone to worried about bashing. People they dont like or agree with and not the fact that this person might have issues thatwould endanger our children. Didnt this guy get let go by delmar school district ?

  39. 9:16, Yet not one of you will answer as to why WCSO is investigating a Dorchester County investigation.

  40. Wicomico County is investigating because he lives in Wicomico & the alleged harassment happened in Wicomico. Pretty simple.

  41. 9:19, Prove It! Your answer is the obvious response. Did you actually listen to the multiple interviews Mike did. I happened to be watching a CBS channel in Baltimore when I saw his face and turned up the volume. In his own words, (Mike Lewis) stated WITHIN HOURS OF THE INVESTIGATION WE LEARNED THERE MAY HAVE BEEN INAPPROPRIATE RELATIONSHIP. OK, I'll bite, then HOW did Mike Lewis get the case????? Is this too far over your head 9:19?

    1. Because maybe the student was brought into wicomico county and the act took place within the county? Just a thought?

  42. This is an interesting story since both Mike Lewis, who is a pathological liar, and the suspect both seem to need mental health intervention as soon as possible before they hurt someone else.

  43. My husband works at WCSO and back when Mike first ran, I was so excited because my husband no longer loved his job after serving under Nelms, now he says he would take Hunter back in a heart beat! We convinced all of our friends that voting for Mike was the right decision, having to change some of their minds because they didn't want a former MSP trooper running our local county agency, but because my husband knew for once he would be allowed to do his job and not get hammered because he seized money, cars and drugs we voted LEWIS all the way to victory. I hope Sheriff Lewis is reading this, Sheriff your men and women have lost faith in you! Those you have a surrounded yourself with, the same ones you were going to get rid of once you won office are your biggest downfall! You don't know half of what is going on within your office...one because they don't let you know, two because you are never there!! Please Sheriff Lewis look around and see that you have men and women who have supported that are losing faith in you! Some of these people would have followed you into the fires of hell and you have $hit on them! Get it together man! Your people need you to be a leader and not out teaching others how to do their job, they need you to do yours!!

  44. We need Lee Stevens as a write-in candidate for Sheriff. He just needs to come back from vacation to kick off his campaign

  45. I didn't say he was arrested, for those of you stating I said that. Your comments were rejected because of your assumption and false statements.

  46. The ONLY reason why Wicomico County would be the lead on this case has nothing to do with what happened in Dorchester County. The county that brings charges...or in this case...determines what happened in the hospital admission... is the country in which the offense happened. Sounds like what was going on in Dorchester would be small potatoes as to what went down in Wicomico County. But then I am still left with questions.

  47. I agree that the Sheriff should work full time, not part time.

  48. The Sheriff should be PAID part time and NOT be crying to the County Council for a pay raise NOT EARNED.

    My Son owns a construction company and he just fired one crew for putting in false hours. HE said they were STEALING.

  49. Your commenters implied mistreatments by the WicomicoCounty sheriffs department and states attorneys office. the original restraining order was filed in Wicomico County is the reason why both departments involved. There is your why

  50. 1:37, IF what you say is true and this man VIOLATED a restraining order, why wasn't he arrested????

    Oh, do you smell that?

  51. pissed off tax payers. said...
    Hey mike lewis ALL the cops on the job hate your Part time work, how Rick pollitt is allowing you to work pt and make Hundred of thousands of dollars doing speaking events is mind boggling, then again pollitt is a PT employee getting full time pay?

    September 3, 2014 at 9:16 PM

    You are an idiot!! Rick Pollitt isn't allowing him to work part time. Mike Lewis is his own boss and has more power than Rick Pollitt.

  52. Anonymous said...
    We need Lee Stevens as a write-in candidate for Sheriff. He just needs to come back from vacation to kick off his campaign

    September 4, 2014 at 10:49 AM

    You are starting to make Wicomico County Sheriff's deputies appear as insane as the Salisbury Fire Department firemen.

    Your Lee Stevens act is pretty lame now, let it go.

    This person that has a Lee Stevens fetish needs to have his head evaluated.

  53. Joe any chance you can get access and publish the said "4 page letter" that Lewis keeps speaking of in the WBOC interview. I think a lot of us would like to see that. I also heard WBOC has a copy and has done nothing with it?


  54. The US Constitution 1st Amendment should not be suppressed by any governmental authority - including the Wicomico Co. Sheriff's Department.

    If any retaliatory action is brought on by any federal, state or local agency - then those responsible could very well be held accountable for criminal and civil damages. Our Constitution of 'checks and balances' was designed to hold these bureaucracies accountable to the people.

    And to that effect the Freedom of the Press is paramount to ensuring the rights of individuals are protected.

    SBYnews has every right to bring this matter to the forefront. Something you will never see from the other main stream media's government press - The Daily Times. Gannett is even referred to among media mogels as being a part of the Government Press.

    Thanks you Joe - for trying to set the record straight. You have every right - it is well written in our US Constitution.

  55. Mike Lewis only answers to the voters so if you're not happen with him, vote him out.

  56. I am so sick of seeing his face. It's making the rounds on the internet because of what he said about a civil war if 'they' came to take our guns.

    He might talk a good game but he is full of it. After I saw him in that video about someone walking down the street with a long gun told me what kind of man andy taylor is.

  57. Please elect anyone other than Mike! If unopposed, don't vote for him.

    A Happier Former Deputy

  58. I wish someone would stop playing guessing games and give us the real reason as to why this man was not arrested? Obviously you know but are taunting us.


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