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Friday, September 12, 2014

Sorry, Mr. President! Members only: Exclusive New York golf clubs turned away President Obama on Labor Day weekend

Several exclusive golf clubs in New York wouldn't let President Barack Obama play on their courses on Labor Day weekend, it emerged on Wednesday.

The Trump National Golf Club, the Winged Foot Golf Club and the Willow Ridge Country Club all turned down Obama, NBC 4 New York reports.

The news station says the president's advance team gave courses only a day or two of notice that Obama would be in the area, and clubs may have rejected the White House's request to protect their wealthy members from being inconvenienced during the holiday weekend.



  1. The clubs actually looked out for their members...good for them!

  2. 10:51 Too bad they don't around here.

    I doubt this is true, anyway. No way they turn down the president to play their course.

  3. I'd have to say no as well, unless I had the place mined.

    Hey! I just got an idea!


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