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Saturday, September 13, 2014

Report: Net Employment Growth In Georgia Went to Immigrants Since 2000

While native-born Americans accounted for more than half of the working-age population growth in Georgia since 2000, the net increase in employment went entirely to legal and illegal immigrants, according to a new report from the Center for Immigration Studies.

According to CIS — which reached its conclusions by analyzing government data — from the first quarter of 2000 to the first quarter of 2014 the total number of employed working-age immigrants in Georgia increased by 400,000. In that same timeframe the number of working-age “natives” with a job declined by 71,000 — despite the fact that “natives” represented 54 percent of the overall working-age population growth.

“There are a huge number of working-age people in Georgia not working and labor force participation remains at record lows,” Steven Camarota, the research director at CIS and lead author of the report, said in a statement Thursday.



  1. Good for them, at least they WANT and are QUALIFIED for jobs.

  2. ahhhhh no comprende

  3. Democrats want to water down the resources of conservative states.

  4. Any method necessary to lower wages. These are jobs Americans want but can not get as they are undercut by legal and illegal immigrants.

    I know I lost my job to two legal immigrants willing to work for pennies. Employers should not be allowed to fire Americans just to lower wages.

    Wages have gone down every year for the last 36 years. The Median wage is only $12/hour. Why so many Americans refuse to work for next to nothing.


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