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Saturday, September 20, 2014

Remove the Stigma of Bad Black Behavior that Hurts our Race

Rather than waiting until specifics about the Michael Brown case are known — such as autopsy results, detailed officer reports, toxicology or other details regarding his death — some Ferguson residents, Brown supporters and various hangers-on decided to act.

Learning nothing from the Trayvon Martin case, people took to the street with demands for “justice” and homemade protest signs. They were aided by a media seemingly excited about exploiting the narrative that Brown’s death was at the hands of a brutal and possibly racist cop in a militarized police force that cares little about black residents.

Ensuing nights after the shooting brought out the worst in people — including looting and burning businesses, vandalizing property and the likes of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson seeking to “organize” the masses.

Regardless of one’s feelings about the Brown case, there’s a need for honest reflection about the behavior of people assembling in Ferguson, Missouri.

The self-destructive and self-defeating behavior on display in Ferguson was inexcusable. It’s a disservice to residents because it takes a sympathetic, accommodating view of the anti-social, regressive behaviors present during the riots, most of which were, unfortunately, committed by blacks.



  1. The moral degradation was exacerbated by the entitlist attitudes these people added when one of 'their' own was elected to the highest political office in the land! It started right after election day and has gotten increasingly worse as time progressed. One can now observe incivility in action and know right away the perpetrators origins.

    Some would call this racial profiling! If it were all folks being equally uncivil, I would agree....

    However, the greater proportion fall in to one group - so ridiculing the uncivil immediately becomes a racist activity....B.S.

    You are causing your own ostracism - you are causing voluntary segregation - no civil group wants to associate with you!

  2. 1:50-It reminds me of when Ali was the champ in a way.

  3. Think about this , is there any white neighborhood you would be afraid to walk down. I know of none. Now say the same for black areas.
    I was born in D.C. 1943 , I would walk anywhere in the city , upper 14th street was bad , but , I didn't give a crap.
    Try it now , you will never be seen again.
    They wonder why police profile these people! Get a life!

  4. why don't you just BEHAVE? The rest of us have to. You're too thin skinned to have everything w/o good behavior... i.e. socially acceptable.

  5. U axed 4 it, U got it! Toyota!

  6. The destruction of the black family leads to the doorstep of the Democrat party.

  7. As an OC bus driver, I'll say that MY customers have always been and continue to be POLITE. Some are black. Some need to be cut a break once in a while and that's what I do. Why? Easy. It's because we have TOO MANY Government employees coming to OC under the guise of some phony Government celebration.

    MD politics is a responsibility of ALL citizens not just blacks or whites. Wake up, realize this, and do something about it.

    Be real. When is the last time the former Mayor of OC did something for you?

    Hogan! Let him change things!

  8. You got to give respect to get respect.

  9. Give respect ? I don't think so , earned respect is OK.
    We have given till we can't give and will not give any more. Understand rubberband!


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