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Thursday, September 04, 2014

Prosecutor: Concerns Over Teacher's Letter, Not His Books

CAMBRIDGE — As police began investigating allegations made against Patrick McLaw in mid-August, concerns about a four-page letter he sent to a deputy school administrator led health officials to seek an emergency evaluation of the Mace’s Lane Middle School teacher, Wicomico County State’s Attorney Matt Maciarello said Tuesday.

McLaw’s attorney has told the L.A. Times that McLaw is getting treatment.

Although some reports have focused on McLaw’s books, leading to online petitions calling for McLaw’s release and reinstatement as a teacher, Maciarello said he wasn’t sure “how it turns out (in some media reports) that Mr. McLaw was arrested over his books.”



  1. What you put in writing can bite you.

  2. In time we will see that McLaw orchestrated this entire thing.In today's world one must go above and beyond to achieve notoriety,and from this McLaw will profit tremendously.My problem is how willingly everyone is playing into his scheme.It's almost as though various players are in on it.He needs to be dropped like a hot potato as in yesterday.Don't make him rich and famous.

  3. It would seem that the people who were responsible for this teacher being hospitalized are alluding to the fact that they had been concerned for McLaw's mental health before this letter came to their attention. If that was the case, I have one pressing question. Why was he hired to be working with our children this year? If there was a hint of him not being mentally stable I would have thought that they would have not brought him back this year. If they decided to err on the side of caution in the face of a possible law suit (keeping him employed regardless) ... can you imagine how people would have responded had he harmed a child because they were attempting to be politically correct even at the risk of a child's life? It takes an enormous amount of dotting of i's and crossing of t's to get someone committed for any reason. Were these people sitting back waiting to see what would happen? What were they expecting to be so poised to jump in so quickly? I fear I have more questions.

  4. The fact that he petitioned the court to change his name and the fact that he goes by other alias' proves to me that this clown has mental issues. Even his lawyer admits that his client is getting treatment. DUH!!

  5. 9:36 AM, you clowns are proclaiming his innocence and you don't even know what is in the letter.

  6. 9:36 AM, you clowns are proclaiming his innocence and you don't even know what is in the letter.


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