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Friday, September 12, 2014

Probiotics Prevent Heart Attack: Researchers

When we think of bacteria, we tend to think of disease-causing microbes that threaten our health, with antibacterial products all the rage and antibiotics among the most prescribed medicines doctors dole out. But in fact, many of the trillions of bacteria that live in our digestive tracts are “good bacteria” — essential to our health.

Some help us digest food, ward off infections, and can even help to lower blood pressure and reduce the risk for heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. Probiotics are a class of these beneficial bacteria — mostly commonly found in yogurt, aged cheeses, and fermented soy products. And a new analysis of nine studies has found that people who eat such foods have lower blood pressure levels, and a lower risk of heart attack, than those who don’t.

Robert Newman, a certified nutritionist and wellness expert from East Northport, N.Y., tells Newsmax Health the new study found most blood pressure reductions were modest. But the new research is only the latest in a series of studies that have found probiotics can be important to maintaining good health and fighting off disease.


  1. So, fermented grains, then concentrated into whiskey, are even better for me?


  2. great article. truth. what a concept...

  3. The reasons for Heart Attack are many. Over the course of time, there is a deposition of plaque near the artery and the channel through which blood flows are narrowed. Cholesterol in our body leads to the deposition of plaque and eventually solidifies to become calcium deposits. If the arteries become narrow, then it becomes extremely difficult for the heart to pump blood to the whole body. Our legs and hands often ache when it does not receive adequate blood supply. In a similar way our heart muscle also tends to suffer when it does not get blood. The pain which erupts all of a sudden is known as angina. Heart failure also occurs due to our functioning of the lungs and also depends on the circulation of our body. Hypertension, vascular disease, or diabetes could also be one of the causes of heart attack. Heart failure is a common disorder in humans and is also caused due to our fast paced lifestyle. However, the problems like shortness of breath can occur during exercising which can be taken as one of the symptom of heart failure. So take caution when you notice any symptoms.


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