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Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Poll: Support for Gay marriage drops 5 pts

Grand Haven Tribune reports a survey released Monday from the Pew Research Center indicates American support for same-sex marriage could be leveling off after several years of dramatic growth in acceptance of equal rights for gays and lesbians. The study’s authors caution it’s too soon to draw any definitive conclusions. But the new poll released Monday found a 5 percentage point drop since February, from 54 percent to 49 percent, in Americans who want legal recognition for same-sex relationships. The percentage of those opposed increased during that same period, from 39 percent in February to 41 percent last month.

The poll of 2,002 adults, conducted Sept. 2-9, has a margin of error of plus or minus 2.5 percentage points.

“Since we’ve seen this upward trend for so long, we’re cautious because it’s too early to say what this means for long-term trends,” said Jessica Martinez, a researcher in Pew’s Religion and Public Life Project. “As we continue to ask this question in other surveys, we’ll keep an eye on where this moves.”



  1. Suppose us regular people just plain don't give a damn either way. Why should this be making the news anyway. We should be more concerned about the path of our Country with a lying Muslim president and the idiots that voted for him.

  2. This issue is propped up by the media.

  3. I bet the first GAY DIVORCE will be HEADLINE NEWS as well!


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