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Friday, September 12, 2014

Police Chief Admits She Was ‘Shocked’ When She Saw Video Showing How Officer Handled This Situation

The police chief of the Metropolitan Police Department in Washington, D.C., has announced a formal investigation into an incident where a officer violated a policy allowing citizens to freely video record police activity.

Police Chief Cathy L. Lanier said she was “shocked” when she saw how the officer responded to a man recording an arrest. Further, she said there is “no excuse fro an officer to be unaware” of the department’s policy on the public’s right to film officers.

Andrew Heining recently posted video of police physically restraining a man outside of a public library earlier this month. His video doesn’t capture what sparked the incident, but he decided to record the actual arrest occurring from a distance.



  1. She would say anything to keep her job. Back at the station house it was all high fives.

  2. He was aggravating a situation grabbing at straw reasons in order to hopefully generate an arrest for himself, since his two other buddies got this one in the background. Now, he's another one behind at work on the office scoreboard.

  3. Just another bully who found a way to get his jollys by being a cop. Too many of them around.

  4. Cops hate to be video taped, they think they are above the law. They drive above the posted speed limit when not on a call, talk on their cell phone while driving, just because they can. They don't like being criticized or critiqued. Yes they have difficult jobs at times, and not all cops are bad, but without policing the ones that show arrogance, or demonstrate a demeanor of a premmadona like Mike Lewis and his gang only reinforces the public's opinion of them. I say require body cameras, citizen review board and hold leadership accountable for their subordinates.

  5. He was probably in "fear of his life" isn't that what they always say.

  6. 11:03
    Who are YOU gonna call when YOU are in fear of YOUR life?

  7. I have an idea –

    (For all those that attended the Chipman Center meeting about the need for a community oversight board to review the various police departments in Wicomico County – the speaker mentioned the need for anyone interested in filing a complaint against a particular police department to file the complaint to the United States Department of Justice) –

    We need to all get together and file a [multiple complaint document] with hundreds (or thousands) of signatures. THAT WILL GET THEIR ATTENTION!

    What do you think about that Sheriff Lewis?

  8. The police officer should be suspended without pay - and I would hope that this incident is turned over to the US Attorney General's office. And people wonder why our nations police departments are frowned upon - this is yet another classic example.

  9. Who are YOU gonna call when YOU are in fear of YOUR life?

    September 13, 2014 at 1:40 PM

    He better have a weapon or he will be dead before ANYONE he calls will show up. Heck, the cop who does finally manage to show up might kill him.

    Cops show up to put out the crime scene tape and take a report, that's about it.


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