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Sunday, September 28, 2014

Obama Uses Coffee Cup To Salute Marines

President Barack Obama returned a formal military salute with a one-handed coffee-cup salute Tuesday, only a few hours after he despatched the nation’s military on their attack mission into northern Syria.

White House aides posted the sloppy salute video on Instagram.

The commander in chief offered the coffee-cup salute when he disembarked from his U.S. Marine Corps helicopter in New York, as he made his way to the United Nations General Assembly.

“President Obama just landed in New York for #UNGA2014,” says the caption.

The salute is “the most important of all military courtesies,” says a manual for Marine Corps officer candidates.



  1. Just when you think you have seen it all...

  2. Just goes to show how damn ignorant he is.

  3. what a clown........in office.

  4. What comes to mind is the old saying that refers to the comparison to a pimple on a Marines but.

  5. no respect for our nation, our constitution and laws, our military or the citizens. he's nothing more than ignorant.

  6. What a insult to our military. The bastard should be shot.

  7. Son is a Marine and is one of many proud to serve our country. Cannot form another sentence without a banned curse word in it, so that's all I have to say.

  8. Oh! Come on. The military soldiers have made it very clear they do not like, want to work with,work for or serve nor respect this president. The secret service personnel don't want to protect, his family or the house. Members of Congress have shown, displayed and spoken of their disdain for this president. You all get back what you dish out.

  9. So 1:23. If what you say is true can you tell me the reason why he didn't turn and help the lady behind him in heels down the steps? He has no respect for anyone!!

  10. The marines should have kicked him in the balz

  11. Let me guess 1:23-it's all because he is (half) black, right? It must be recism.


  13. He's a POS he hates the military and everything about it and also he hates the US constitution.

  14. And you will probably not see this on the MSM. If not, they are just as guilty as him.

  15. Oh paaleezzee. Can't you idiots get more creative in your Obama bashing?

  16. I bet Jimmy Carter is happy happy happy.

  17. Bill Clinton was another President who either wouldn't salute, or would salute in a slight wave of the hand. He also had not respect for the military he was charged with commanding.

  18. More concern and comments on this stupid salute than on the "feet on the ground" comments. It is easy to be ignorant of things going on.

  19. The president does not have to salute, but when he does hr should do it Fn. RIGHT,

  20. I love how liberal and democrats will not accept his screw up, but rather they either try and blame someone else or point to another president that may have done a similar thing. They can't except criticism unless dishing it out.


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