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Sunday, September 21, 2014

New Device In The Works To Catch Texting Drivers

A Virginia company is developing a radar gunlike device that would help police catch drivers as they text.

The technology works by detecting the telltale radio frequencies that emit from a vehicle when someone inside is using a cellphone, said Malcolm McIntyre of ComSonics. Cable repairmen use similar means to find where a cable is damaged - from a rodent, for instance - by looking for frequencies leaking in a transmission, McIntyre said.

A text message, phone call and data transfer emit different frequencies that can be distinguished by the device ComSonics is working on, according to McIntyre. That would prove particularly useful for law enforcement in states such as Virginia, where texting behind the wheel is banned but talking on the phone is legal for adult drivers.



  1. Long overdue, every other car that passes me someone is on the cell.

  2. They should make it where it disables the car, and costs the driver thousands in repairs. Maybe they'll get the message then.

  3. If there are passengers, how does it determine it is the driver? How can it tell if the driver is using bluetooth or voice to text? It will never work to be court worthy.

  4. 7:33 AM

    it's not for phone calls, it's for texts.

  5. A Virginia company is developing a radar gunlike device that would help police catch drivers as they text.

    Will it help catch police officers texting?

  6. Anonymous said...
    Long overdue, every other car that passes me someone is on the cell.

    September 18, 2014 at 7:33 AM

    You obviously didn't read the article idiot. I can't stand when morons get on here and comment without reading the whole article. Texting is a major distraction, talking on the cell isn't. If you take your eyes off the road to notice ever car that passes you is talking on a cell phone then you should be charged with "Distracted Driving." You are just as guilty.

    That would prove particularly useful for law enforcement in states such as Virginia, where texting behind the wheel is banned but talking on the phone is legal for adult drivers.

  7. So if a passenger is texting the driver gets pulled over.. BIG BROTHER

  8. Already obsolete with the iWatch transmitting your blood pressure to your doctor.

  9. Which is why I have a bluetooth with the Talk to Text app installed. I would be interested to know if this technology could differentiate the person and the many available apps that convert your speech into text, handsfree.

  10. Does that go for Police Officers as well

  11. It is a shame that MD driver are not competent enough to talk and drive at the same time. Many states allow using your phone to talk but not text. Let's wait for the rebuttals that try to explain that it is for safety and not for revenue.

  12. While texting and driving is one of the most dangerous distraction while on the road I feel that this device will never work.

    There are far to many variables to account for that this gun will not be able to determine.

    I use a Windows phone and it syncs up with the bluetooth in my car. If someone send me a text it ask me if I want to have the text read to me. After it reads me the text it ask if I want to reply. I can do this all hands free. All I have to do is speak what I want texts and it takes car of the rest.

    So will I get pulled over every time I lawfully use my hands free system in my car ?

    What if my passenger is texting ?

    Will I get pulled over when I have not done anything wrong based on something my messenger is legally doing ?

    Bottom line this will open a door to allow police to pull people over when there is very little probable cause due to the various legal circumstances that might cause this detector gun to go off.

  13. What about hands-free systems or passengers? The technology can not distinguish between them.

  14. Here is the problem. If anyone knows phones now not only can you hands free talk but you can also Hands free text just by talking to your phone and say send. So if you are allowed to talk on phone as long as it is hands free why cant you hands free text. I think this is going to be another big brother telling you what you can do and what you cant do. If they cant stop drunk driving after people have been stopped 10 or more time how you going to stop texting

  15. Will it also know the difference when I am using my gps device on my phone when traveling?

  16. Good news indeed. No one under twenty five is looking at the road when they drive anymore. They are all looking at their laps. And half the women under sixty are doing the same thing. Men are just bad about talking on the phone while driving, and everyone knows they can't do two things at the same time, so their driving is inattentive when on the phone. I guess the problem with texting and driving, when it comes to men, is not so prevalent as it is with young people and women, because men just CAN't do both at the same time. I drive 500-600 miles a week, and I see the inattentive driving all the time. Its amazing that I don't see more accidents, as it is obvious the amount of people that aren't paying attention.

  17. 8:05 AM: You're the idiot if you think "talking on the cell isn't" a major distraction. ALL studies have proven otherwise. Just talking to a passenger has been proven to be a major driving distraction, even when there's no phone involve. You need to bone up on your knowledge before you call people idiots.

  18. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    They should make it where it disables the car, and costs the driver thousands in repairs. Maybe they'll get the message then.

    September 18, 2014 at 7:41 AM

    wow, you are just mean. I hope you have not and can not breed. We already have too many mean people in the world.

  19. 9:46 I did breed, a lot! It's not mean, it's common f-ing sense. Crack that dense skull and get the message already.

  20. This has nothing to do with texting and driving and everything to do with getting someone's brother-in-law a fat gov't contract. Just more greasy corruption from a gov't that has outlived it's original mandates. Our democratic republic is in a shambles and this bs is one more scenario showing us that.

  21. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    9:46 I did breed, a lot! It's not mean, it's common f-ing sense. Crack that dense skull and get the message already.

    September 18, 2014 at 11:51 AM

    How much time did you get for animal abuse? You're not only mean, you're unintelligent and weird. Lord help ya.

  22. 11:51 AM

    common sense to destroy someone's property huh? You are as immature as you are dumb. I don't believe there is enough alcohol in the world to make a woman breed with you.

  23. Our government will never be able to put that cell phone genie back in the bottle, no matter how many laws they pass, or how many fines they hand out. People are human, and they will do what they do. Thanks to government handouts, everyone has one, and some have more than one. Every state has seat belt laws, but a large percentage of people still refuse to wear them. Gun laws have not put a dent in criminals obtaining and using guns. Why would anyone think the cell phone dilemma will be any different. First they invent it. Then they mass produce it for all to have. Then the government gives them to everyone who can't afford one. And then they tax it, regulate it, and fine you for using it. It is no different than any other commodity. The government will never stop people from using cell phones. whenever they please, but the government is sure going to find a way to tax or fine as many people as they can for using them. That's just what our politicians do.

  24. This is why the government will never allow cars that drive themselves even when the technology gets perfected and cheap enough for mass production. They'll lose out on all the fines for speeding, drunk driving, texting, traffic violations, etc.

  25. Wait until YOU are the one caught texting and driving! You people will be doing the same song and dance you do with radar and speed cameras. Laws were made for other people not me.

  26. I have a better device give out $1000 fine and watch compile, failure to do so will result in loss of your driving privilege for 60 days, 120 days, then suspended for 1 year.


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