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Saturday, September 06, 2014

New Benghazi ‘stand down’ claim at odds with State Department

U.S. security team insists top CIA officer held them back

A newly reported claim by a U.S. security team in Benghazi of orders not to respond to the Sept. 11, 2012, attack that killed the U.S. ambassador contradicts the State Department’s official report.

The Fox News Channel’s Bret Baier interviewed three security contractors who were at the CIA annex about one mile from the besieged U.S. special mission, where Ambassador Chris Stevens and other Americans were under assault.

The three essentially served as first responders to any attack on the mission.

The security contractors – Kris “Tanto” Paronto, Mark “Oz” Geist and John “Tig” Tiegen – told Fox News they wanted to depart for the mission but were delayed by the commanding CIA officer in Benghazi, whom they refer to as Bob.

“It had probably been 15 minutes I think, and … I just said, ‘Hey, you know, we gotta – we need to get over there. We’re losing the initiative,’” said Tiegen in an interview to air in a Fox News special Friday night. “And Bob just looks straight at me and said, ‘Stand down, you need to wait.’”

“We’re starting to get calls from the State Department guys saying, ‘Hey, we’re taking fire, we need you guys here, we need help,’” said Paronto



  1. This is insignificant and pales in comparison to what we are currently up against.The author can dredge up as much as he wishes to keep this going,but it's a non issue.

  2. Taking a hit for the team sucks sometimes.

  3. It is not a non issue for those who lost loved ones. Just another example of a Muslim President that hates America. Truth be known it was probably Obama that gave the stand down order.

  4. Ambassador Stevens was murdered by his own government.

  5. Obama Crooked Mulato BastardoSeptember 6, 2014 at 9:15 PM

    You can turn the blind eye and claim "it is insignificant", which is NOT. Those soldiers were left there hung out to dry and they are just forever grateful to come out of there alive. Not only these so called "leaders?" Hillary Clinton, Barry Obama & Susan Rice Gave Order to STAND DOWN, they decided next day to Lie and Cover Up the Truth. They decieved the public with "Anti Muslim Video" Crap - Wake Up, these Crooks let the U.S.Ambassador Die horrific death, Do you really think they care about you or me? Impeach & Fire these Croocks and charge them with Treason. IBRING THE TRUTH TO YOUR EARS AS PLAIN AS A-B-C, IT IS UP TO YOU WHAT YOU DO WITH IT.

  6. the Benghazi Special by Bret Baer on Fox News this week-end has been a real eye opener, very powerful.

    now who do you believe??? State Department, NOT!!!

    our current president and all his department heads and czars are liars. NEVER trust the government.


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